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  1. sweets3068

    Poop board with or without lip?

    Oh what a great idea. Thank you so much for sharing. I have been racking my brain trying to figure out a better surface and my slick plywood.
  2. sweets3068

    Keeping rabbits and chickens together!?!

    I have been reading up on breeding rabbits and I am confused by the final statement here. I have read that if siblings both have good qualities you want to bring out it is ok to breed siblings. Or it is ok to breed mother to son and father to daughter. I understand this to be inbreeding. I have...
  3. sweets3068

    Incubator without thermostat?

    No thermostat here. Day 21 and eggs are hatching now. The only problem I had with temp was when the temp in the room got warmer. Just a fish tank loaf pans, hardware cloth, shelf liner and a light. Humidity was controlled with plastic wrap over the top.
  4. sweets3068

    Silkie thread!

    They are both adorable
  5. sweets3068

    Silkie thread!

    I only have 2 in an outside coop right now and they don't roost at all? I don't know if it's normal or not. They do have a roost but I have never seen them on it.
  6. sweets3068

    Silkie thread!

    Thank you I have a wire cage I can use to do this. At what age would you take the silkie chicks to leave outside? I was pretty protective of the first pair and they have only been out a short time. I kept them inside with me almost 16 weeks.
  7. sweets3068

    Silkie thread!

    Awe I think he is adorable!
  8. sweets3068

    Bloody poop/ I just got my first egg yesterday

    Thank you all very much for such awesome information! I love BYC and the people here are so helpful and kind.
  9. sweets3068

    Bloody poop/ I just got my first egg yesterday

    I hope someone can help me soon. I went out this morning to take care of the birds, while looking for eggs I found a few really dark almost black looking poops!! Then I found one that was kinda loose and bloody looking. My girls are 18-20 weeks old now and we found our first egg yesterday. I...
  10. sweets3068

    Silkie thread!

    Adding to my silkie flock. I got my first pair of silkies in April this year as day old chicks. No eggs but it does look like it's a hen and a rooster. I also went and picked up 2 blue chicks that are about 2 and 4 weeks old. As we have ventured out of the brooder I have set them down next to...
  11. sweets3068

    Silkie thread!

    In her origonal post, I think she posted a link to her blog demonstrating what she does. Very interesting. But I think she does use Wood stove pellets. Thank you Blimpit007 I was able to find the link.
  12. sweets3068

    Silkie thread!

    Awe they are adorable! I can not wait for more baby silkies. I am scared to try hatching eggs as I have not done that yet. So I have tried looking for some within 4 hours drive or that will ship day old chicks.
  13. sweets3068

    Silkie thread!

    Ok this may sound silly to some of you. What do you mean Wood Pellets? Around here when someone refers to wood pellets that would be what is used in a heating stove for your house. Last time I was looking at alternative heating those bags were more like 10 dollars a bag. Unless it's a price...
  14. sweets3068

    Silkie thread!

    I have heard you don't sanitize an egg. They have a coating on them that naturally keeps bacteria out. If you wash that off then the bacteria gets into the egg. So unless you are eating it right away should just rinse it off with warm water and gently rub any dirt off
  15. sweets3068

    Silkie thread!

    Wow that is just AMAZING please tell your little girl there she did a great job with her birds. I you are both so very proud.
  16. sweets3068

    Silkie thread!

    How soon can you tell from a picture the sex of a silkie? I got this one a couple weeks ago and it should almost 3 weeks old. The seller told me she was pretty sure it was a rooster. When I asked her how she could tell she held him over on his back, he pushed his feet out away from his body. She...
  17. sweets3068

    Silkie thread!

    Since sand is a topic right now I have a couple of questions. Where I live the soil is very sandy. I just got my chickens this year so the coop and run are new. In the run for my large birds once the grass had all been eaten the ground has become so sandy that even after a heavy rain it dries...
  18. sweets3068

    Silkie thread!

    I posted some before when I had asked about breeding and the possible color combinations. But I do there is another Silkie thread and I may have posted them there. Thank you so much for all that great information. The only thing I had heard about the bread before was to limit it to small...
  19. sweets3068

    Silkie thread!

    Thank you I was not sure they would molt at such a young age, this being their first year. At just around 4 months I just moved them to 16% layer along with my large birds. Should I take them back to 18% starter? Or is there a specific supplement I should give them? I offer scratch, bread...
  20. sweets3068

    Silkie thread!

    Thank you I was worried after looking some things up online that my hen was eating his crest feathers! Somewhere it said that sometimes the other birds think these are "tasty"
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