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  1. jllynn601

    egg eater?

    Catch them in the act. Fortunately (to my best knowledge it was the first time) I happened to be outside and I heard a familiar crack, I looked to my run and saw a hen run out of the coop with an egg shell in her mouth... I gathered up all of the eggs quickly and have not had a problem. I...
  2. jllynn601

    What animal could this be???

    Mary, Coons are extremely smart and highly adaptable. They roam anywhere from a few acres to a few miles and can remember things for years in some instances. For those that become "trap wise" I say it's best to shoot them to begin with. Nothing is worse than a female who's ready to feed her...
  3. jllynn601

    I have to talk POLISH!

    Does anyone have any tips on how to keep the famous Polish top knot out of their eyes??? I have a hen who's top knot drops over on one eye, makes the skin fold over, and is causing her to have a fungus... I tried a small pony tail but it worked its way off. Thanks in advance!
  4. jllynn601

    Feather loss, infected eye? Help, please!!

    That's what I was leaning towards.. Esp since her feathers flop over more on that eye and its so humid here.. Thank you! I'll try that!
  5. jllynn601

    I have to talk POLISH!

    Does anyone ever have problems with fungal infections because of the top knot on their polish? My polish hen has this stuff and I'm wondering if it a polish chicken problem or a general health problem. I've posted in the emergencies/diseases/cures section with no luck. Hoping maybe y'all can...
  6. jllynn601

    Feather loss, infected eye? Help, please!!

    I have a polish hen who has lost some feathers around her eye only. There seems to be no discharge and she is opening it but her top feathers do seem droopy on that side only. I can't tell if anything is swollen but her eye lid seems to be okay. She's feeling well and still eating good. I did...
  7. jllynn601

    Feather loss around 1 eye, infection??

    I have a polish hen who has lost some feathers around her eye only. There seems to be no discharge and she is opening it but her top feathers do seem droopy on that side only. I can't tell if anything is swollen but her eye lid seems to be okay. She's feeling well and still eating good. I did...
  8. jllynn601

    What animal could this be???

    You can bet your bottom dollar there is more than one coon coming. They travel in packs and if anyone says different it's only because they didn't see the other coons sneaking around. While I love animals to the moon and back I must say this, shoot the darn coons. I can't tell you how many I've...
  9. jllynn601

    Silkie thread!

    Our property is a mix of single trees, small groupings of trees, and tall weeds so thick I barely walk through them... I hope she's hiding up somewhere safe. I guess it is possible another dog got her and I didn't see it. I searched my neighbors pasture and neighbors yards really well but can't...
  10. jllynn601

    Silkie thread!

    She left the two chicks... She's the only one thats gone :(
  11. jllynn601

    Silkie thread!

    My silkie laid her second egg yesterday but thr trouble seems to be she has disappeared now... When I got home I always let all my chickens out to free range. My bigger girls go all over the yard and my silkie with her two adopted babies always stay near the back porch. I heard my bigger girls...
  12. jllynn601

    Bully chicken- seriously evil

    I would try some of those peepers so that she can't see the other chickens... I've read mixed reviews on effectiveness but I'm going to give them a shot when I mix my big girls with my mini flock... I'll be putting peepers on all of the chickens except for my silkie in hopes that my silkie will...
  13. jllynn601

    How much do you sell eggs for?

    I am going to have to start selling my eggs because I simply don't want them to go to waste... I'm gathering that I should sell them for $3 a dozen... But what I'm curious about is labeling. These are just plain ole backyard chooks... I know I want to have a vintage style label but I'm also...
  14. jllynn601

    Egg Carton HELP

    Does anyone know where I could find paper 6 count egg cartons in colors??? I found a company in the UK but they won't ship international :/
  15. jllynn601

    Silkie thread!

    I let my silkie wander around but only when she has a haircut... She sees pretty good then.
  16. jllynn601

    Silkie thread!

    Since my search for a "Silkie Chicken Helmet" has turned up fruitless.......Does anyone have tips on integrating my Silkie (who's currently mothering a Dominique and Polish) into my flock of 5 RSL? I was thinking about waiting to put them all together when the polish and Dominique are the same...
  17. jllynn601

    Chicken ate ant poison!

    I know there's a thread somewhere on here about this... But my chickens ate a very small to small amount of ant poision a few minutes ago. We put the poision down yesterday and wet it then. I have not taken their water away as it is sooo hot here.... Just wondering what do I need to watch for...
  18. jllynn601

    Keep a word, drop a word!

    Slow jam
  19. jllynn601


    The smell of carbon copy receipts
  20. jllynn601

    Lets count to a million

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