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  1. mysticrose

    16 eggs from 7 chickens?

    This morning my daughter went out and collected 12 eggs. My son claims last night the nest was empty. We only have 7 chickens. We started with 6. 3 RR and 3 BR then we ended up adopting a Dellaware over the winter. She walked into the yard and never left now she is in the flock. Then this...
  2. mysticrose

    Water freezing

    I have been wondering about this too. What about putting a little bit of salt in the water to help prevent freezing? Or could that hurt the chickens?
  3. mysticrose

    Things you never said until you had chickens.......

    Cooking dinner one night I needed to run to another room so I asked my teenage daughter to keep an eye on the chicken for me. With an extremely confused look on her face I came back n a few minutes later to her putting her shoes on and going outside. I asked my other daughter where her sister...
  4. mysticrose

    Shell less egg and bloody stool?

    After reading some comments below someone said it is normal for first time layers to have some weird eggs. I gave them crushed egg shells this morning, which they all dived into. The other oddity was there was some bloody stool in the coop too. It was like a small clot on the poop. They all...
  5. mysticrose

    Got our first egg today!

    We are so excited! It was kinda small though, but was double yoked which the kids thought was really cool. Of course when I was putting it in the fridge it slipped and cracked so we of course had to try it. Yummy! We have barred rocks and golden sex links will the eggs get bigger as they...
  6. mysticrose

    Chick acting weird..

    I have one of my chicks that keeps lay down on her side. She gets up and runs around but will lay down on her side. This has been going on for a dew days. I don't see labored breathing, or any injuries. Could thus just be weird chick behavior? She is eating and drinking just fine also. The...
  7. mysticrose

    Wow they grow fast!

    I knew chicks grew pretty quickly but WOW still amazes me! Yesterday we spent a majority of the day running to and from doctors, ER and other medical stuff. Finally got home around midnight. So I went in to get some "chick therapy" and it looks like they doubled in size over night. No more...
  8. mysticrose

    Is this typical chick behavior?

    Hello all, hopefully someone can shed some light on my odd little girl. Lately when they sleep she will sleep with her head IN the feeder. They have a 7 gallon hanging feeder that is I the floor of their box right now. I have seen her do this several times, each time I think she might have...
  9. mysticrose

    Hello From Washington

    Hello, I am brand new to this whole chicken thing. Last Sunday we got our very first chicks. 3 goldens and 3 barrds. I knew having chickens would be fun but I never imagined my kids would rather watch "chick tv" over actual tv, lol. The chicks are little over a week old and they are funny as...
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