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  1. Santiz

    Float Testing, Checking Egg Viability For Late Or Overdue Hatching

    Help!!! Is it normal to have chicken eggs go up to 27 days? My hen is sitting on 9 egg and I did the water float test on 5 eggs, 4 which were moving like crazy (no chirping) 1 which sunk to the bottom!
  2. Santiz

    Today is day 27 that my hen has been sitting on 9 eggs. I was about to toss them but thought...

    Today is day 27 that my hen has been sitting on 9 eggs. I was about to toss them but thought what the heck I did the floater test on 5 of the 9 eggs! 4 wobbled and are viable 1 sunk! Is this normal to go past due date this much? Plz help!!!!
  3. Santiz

    hen or roo?

    this is my 10 year old helping to build the coop! This as really been a great experience!
  4. Santiz

    hen or roo?

    Having chickens started as a 4H project my son (10years old) wanted to join at school! Needless to say I've really enjoyed having them! Even my children love helping with them!
  5. Santiz

    hen or roo?

    I do want to keep him since he's my favorite every since we brought him him from our local TSC! I hope the doesn't attack my 5 hens. We built our coop and the have lots of outdoors to run around they are free to come and go as they please!
  6. Santiz

    hen or roo?

    ok this pic was taken at 5 ½ week the one in question is in the corner! Only one with a comb at 5 ½ weeks
  7. Santiz

    hen or roo?

    Hen or rooster? I have six chick 8 weeks old they were suppose to be all pullets but one is so much bigger, whiter and has a big comb. What do y'all think hen or roo? Also is 1 roo to 5 hen ok! I don't what him hurting my girls! Advice plz
  8. Santiz

    is she a he? my favorite hen might be a roo!

    The lighter one is the one in question this pic was taken at 5 ½ weeks
  9. Santiz

    is she a he? my favorite hen might be a roo!

    Is my hen a roo? 7 weeks old and she is lighter the all the others, bigger, light feet and has a way bigger comb! Please Help! I will be adding more pics when its day light
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