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  1. ajscuba

    Made my first Chicken Sweater Tonight... Photos and my free pattern

    I would recommend against it. My wife also made some chicken sweaters for our girls and I would not allow her to deploy them. First, it was very cold and wet. Very bad idea. Sweaters would retain the water and turn the girls into frozen nuggets. Second, you are correct. They fluff their...
  2. ajscuba

    Chickens 101

    I have only had chickens since August (not my idea), but I love them. I have learned just a few things: 1. You can train chickens. We give treats from a black bucket in a part of the yard and if we go near it, they come running! 2. Despite having a great coup to sleep in, our girls will start...
  3. ajscuba

    Made my first Chicken Sweater Tonight... Photos and my free pattern

    I found this pattern online and have made 2 and need to make 1 more. I modified this by making it close with buttons, as putting this over the girls heads would make getting it on a nightmare! I works up quick and I can't wait to dress them up! I am wondering if this will be warm enough for them...
  4. ajscuba

    Newbie in Austin, TX

    Thanks everyone!!! Looking forward to hanging out here and soaking in the great information.
  5. ajscuba

    Newbie in Austin, TX

    Raised chickens when I was younger and lived in the country. In Austin now and wanted to let my daughter experience a bit of the country in the city. We are going to try and 'fly' under the HOA radar with a flock of 3 pullets. Sadly, no roos for us. Would not want to get ratted out by our...
  6. ajscuba

    Building coop with hardware mesh floor

    I forgot to mention I would be cutting holes for ventilation. Gets really hot here in Austin !-)
  7. ajscuba

    Building coop with hardware mesh floor

    Crate is 52" long by 36" wide by 52" tall. Will be 30" under and 24" inside for roost and nest boxes (2). This will be for 3 hens. I will also be doing a 30"x30"x8' run attached to the coop. We are going to try to 'free range' in the yard during the day.
  8. ajscuba

    New to the site and looking for ideas.

    Looks good! Wish I had the space for a setup that large.... Good luck!
  9. ajscuba

    Building coop with hardware mesh floor

    Started my coop and I am using a shipping crate we had around the office. Basically cut out the bottom sections and will cover all openings with hardware mesh. Question is: will the girls be able to 'scratch' with the hardware mesh directly on the ground. I am guessing this is how the tractor...
  10. ajscuba

    questions keeping out racoons

    Hardware cloth would be ideal but I think chicken wire would work as well. That combined with the chain link should keep those little paws out. Just make sure that roof is on with no gaps anywhere. Racoons will climb up and try to pry the roof off if they can gain access.
  11. ajscuba

    Started On My Coop

    Looks good! I am in the process of getting ours together from a re-purposed crate.
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