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  1. Truefire

    Beak Wiping Behavior

    It is neat. Even more intriguing is the fact that they can actually even feel small pieces of food on their beak in the first place. It seems to me that it might be similar to having some small piece of remnant found on my fingernail. Fiingernails and chicken beaks both being comprised of...
  2. Truefire

    Beak Wiping Behavior

    This topic may have been discussed before perhaps. I find it rather intriguing and funny that chickens wipe their beak. As cute it may be to us humans, I am certain this is some underlying instinctive survivability measure that cause chickens to do this. Anyone have any ideas as to the 'whys'...
  3. Truefire

    Anyone familiar with Golden Laced Wyondottes and their typical behaviors?

    Thanks, appreciate the feedback. I guess I just happened to get one that 'is different', oh well. Thanks for the link. Gonna check it out. Chris
  4. Truefire

    Anyone familiar with Golden Laced Wyondottes and their typical behaviors?

    Wondering if any of you that have small flocks and spend lots of time around, with and near your birds that own Golden Laced Wyondottes can advise on some of their typical behaviors? Understanding the smaller flocks that are awarded a closer working relationship with their owners display...
  5. Truefire

    Which species of chicken eggs do you prefer eating?

    Thanks Phil, can't say that I have ever eaten any eggs from Leghorns raised on pasture. I know the ones from all the supermarkets are leghorn crosses. But we all know that they aren't even eggs, just like their honey isn't honey. lol... Not that I wouldn't eat Leghorn eggs from pastured...
  6. Truefire

    How to get a chicken used to being handled?

    that's neat...nothing like enjoying them. Yeah I have some that are not as interested in me as others, as well. I have one Golden Laced Wyondotte that appears to have some 'wild' genetics. She is really artful at hiding out and evading, not sure if this is the breed or if I just so happen to...
  7. Truefire

    Which species of chicken eggs do you prefer eating?

    Do any of you have a specific species of chicken that you would rather eat eggs from than others? I have ate a bunch of free range chicken eggs in my past and although all were delicious, there was one gentleman that I used to purchase eggs from that had the best eggs in the county, in my...
  8. Truefire

    How to get a chicken used to being handled?

    spending lots of time with them and around them is the best method I believe, kind of like know the more you hold them, talk to them, etc;, they begin to imprint on you as being part of the flock. Can be difficult for us working folks though, I I allow my...
  9. Truefire

    Question regarding height of automatic watering device

    Hello to all, I have made an automatic watering device that contains stainless steel poultry tips for automatic watering of my birds to be mounted inside of the coop. I was wondering what some of you might suggest or 'know' to be a good height above ground to the watering tips. My birds are all...
  10. Truefire

    I dug up the biggest Earthworm I've ever seen........

    the worm snake...we have bunches of those little creatures here in Eastern North Carolina. I have found close to 15 here upon my property over the years. They are so very docile and a pleasure to hold, they do not display any type of threatening posture at all, for those that may have never...
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