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  1. boats317

    How do I get some noise out of my Peas??

    they do the goose honk rarely, but at least its noise i guess
  2. boats317

    How do I get some noise out of my Peas??

    haha, so i've actually tried playing youtube clips a few times in the past. they just pop up and look around. I got them from some friends up the road, they have around 10 of them and i hear them going off alot. (probably the mating season time like you said). so i'm ready for the noise! Our...
  3. boats317

    How do I get some noise out of my Peas??

    I have 1 female and 2 male Indians, just under 1 year old. One male will fan out sometimes. None of them ever make any noise. Every once in awhile when I'm feeding them they will honk like a goose. But I'm yet to have them scream with the classic sound. What's the deal?? I want some sirens...
  4. boats317

    ok, egg identification please!

    Thank you for the reply. This is my first year with chickens/guinea/rabbits etc... so im still learning as I go. That is what we thought as well, but wanted veteran chickeneers to advise also. thanks!
  5. boats317

    ok, egg identification please!

    Oooooook thanks
  6. boats317

    ok, egg identification please!

    Ok the birds in question here are female lavender guinea, americana, and faverall. The hens are showing all signs of it being egg laying time. The guinea is at that age but its winter...the small egg has been 3 days, once on the floor and now 2 days in the nesting box both of these eggs are the...
  7. boats317

    are 2 males and 1 female going to be a problem?

    They were back in the fields the next morning! They went right back into the coop, I think they realized they had it better with us then on their own. thanks
  8. boats317

    what dog for my chickens?

    Good luck to you!
  9. boats317

    what dog for my chickens?

    Ya wow, that does look alike. Maybe that would work for you then? It will need alot of good training.
  10. boats317

    what dog for my chickens?

    does anyone have any thoughts on a Border Collie? I've seen them work ducks and are amazing at it, not very big either...
  11. boats317

    are 2 males and 1 female going to be a problem?

    Thanks for that info, sadly they found their way out of the run last night because of a mistake on my end...I extended the run 16ft and didnt think they would climb thru the cattle fencing. I hadnt attached the chicken wire to it yet and when I got back they were gone. My chickens also got out...
  12. boats317

    are 2 males and 1 female going to be a problem?

    They are mixed in with chickens and so far are just fine. the boys are lavenders and the female is a royal purple. They are about 22 weeks old. Not sure if the boys will fight like roosters and i"ll need to get rid of one or not? I really want them to do some tick work this summer. thanks
  13. boats317

    Do the birds need a heated coop?

    i have a 60w bulb in our coop just for light to lengthen the day (its on from around 1630-2100). if it gives them a little extra heat then great, but its already been in the single digits and 2 days of negative temps coming up. I wont be changing the routine or giving them extra heat, i just...
  14. boats317

    finally my original 3 hens are laying, but there's 2 plz

    We are so excited that our RIR and Black Astrolorp (sp?) are now into about 1 month of laying...they both share the same nesting box (out of 4) ok fine no biggie. But our Blue Lace Wyandotte just started laying yesterday YAY, but she's laying in the middle of the run kind of under the coop...
  15. boats317

    Does anybody have any suggestions for hawk control?

    I happen to start flying my rc planes at the same time there are hawks around...not my fault we share the same airspace...but they seem to move on pretty quickly at that point. ;)
  16. boats317


    ours all huddle up together in the coop at night and play well during the day. The only time there is an issue is when the guinea decide to freak out and fly around screaming, then the chickens do the same looking totally confused as to why lol.
  17. boats317

    so what are these chicks? I'm guessing some type of dinosaur

    Well it seems that since I've added more roosting stuff and the longer feed dish, the fighting has stopped.
  18. boats317

    so what are these chicks? I'm guessing some type of dinosaur

    They are in a 5x3ft brooder. There are only 5 of them so I can't imagine that not being enough room but i dont know. The only other thing I was thinking might have been an issue was using those small round metal feeder. So I got the long type.
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