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  1. AdamsFamilyFarm

    Pictures Of Your Little Ducklings!!

    I just hatched my very first ducklings! 28 days under a 40w bulb and presto, snuggle buddies! I am one proud momma.
  2. AdamsFamilyFarm

    Amazing! Chickens like grape.

    My hubby picked some raisins and dried cranberries out of his trail mix that he didn't like. We threw them to the chickens and they played "tag" for about 10 minutes fighting over them.
  3. AdamsFamilyFarm

    rice for chickens

    Can you feed them "raw, uncooked" rice? White and brown?
  4. AdamsFamilyFarm

    Bedding besides straw or shavings

    We use crushed corn cob bedding. $3.99 a bag at a tractor/farm supply store in KY. 10 bags covered a 14X12 coop.
  5. AdamsFamilyFarm

    Rescued Silkie

    Today the silkie looked much cleaner, so I assume it cleaned itself up pretty good. I trimmed back its feathers around its eyes, so it could see better. I'm absolutely in love. It is getting along just fine with my other chicks too.
  6. AdamsFamilyFarm

    Rescued Silkie

    Tonight I rescued a silkie, because it wasn't "show quality" and the owner was going to kill it. It has a lot of poop on it's leg feathers, from being in a crate all day. It is too cold to give it a bath, so I'm wondering if it would hurt it to trim back the feathers with scissors to clean it...
  7. AdamsFamilyFarm

    Making My Own Feed -check it out...

    I am new to chickens, but want to stay away from "prepared feed". I have my personal reasons for doing so. I am going to mix and create my own feed, and wanted opinions on anything I'm lacking. Also, if anything is poisonous, please let me know! I have been researching on the web, and below is...
  8. AdamsFamilyFarm

    Newbie from KY

    I'm new to the forum. My name is Michele, I live in NW KY, and have just purchased my first chickens (from Cackle Hatchery). I have 5 Black Sex Links, 5 Rhode Island Reds, 5 White Leghorns all pullets, and 1 Brown Leg Horn cockerel. So far all have survived their first two weeks at our farm...
  9. AdamsFamilyFarm

    Just ordered some mealworms!!!!!!! :D :D :D

    They sell dried mealworms at Rural King and Tractor Supply, or really any place that sells wild bird food. I don't know if they loose any nutrients, but my chicks gobble them up as a treat.
  10. AdamsFamilyFarm

    Simple PVC Feeder (PICS)

    Could you put another opening right above that so that two chickens could eat at a time? If not, do your chickens every fight over eating time? I have 16 chicks who all seem to eat at the same time (at a typical feeder), and I wouldn't want them fighting each other. (I'm a brand new chicken...
  11. AdamsFamilyFarm

    Feeding Whole Grain?? (recipe inside but can they eat it all?)

    Did anyone find out if dried lentils are bad or not? Also, what about dried split peas? Would either of these be poison? Thanks!
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