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  1. ebenton11

    How To Raise A Rooster

    This is a picture of my 2 speckled Sussex roosters we ended up with once all were grown. We were awaiting delivery of 12mixed breed chicks in the mail, their delivery date was the beginning of May (we just couldn't stand the wait once tractor supply started getting their babies in in the spring)...
  2. ebenton11

    I just want "vent" for a second!

    I agree, there is NO possible way to build a coop under $200! A roll of hardware cloth (wire) is $80 alone. Someone must have some really good resources if they say it can be done This is what we've come up with so far (under construction) this is the back side. It will be enclosed using...
  3. ebenton11

    Brand new babies, 1-2 struggling to make it, any suggestions?

    Well it's been a week now and all of them have made it. I have 3 that look like they are prob a little younger than the others, their wing feathers have not grown in as much. I cant tell what kind they are! We ordered 3New Hampshire's, and 3 Buff's. (along w/3 Barred rock and 3 White Plymouth...
  4. ebenton11

    Brand new babies, 1-2 struggling to make it, any suggestions?

    Thanks I'll try the sugar water maybe that will encourage her to go back to the waterer, I did boil an egg and give them the yolk all crushed up and I also mixed in some water to make a mash along with a separate dry food tray. Most of them seem to be doing fine, just those two that think they...
  5. ebenton11

    Brand new babies, 1-2 struggling to make it, any suggestions?

    . I picked up 12 new babies this am from the post office, they were supposed to be here tues but didn't get here until today! I'm really worried about 2 of them, they appear really weak and are not returning to the water by themselves, does anyone have a suggestions that may improve their odds?
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