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  1. ashem0

    French Wheaten Maran and Rhode Island Reds, producing black chicks??? Why is that???

    Holy cow Hanna8 that calculator looks full on! Thanks for sharing though. It has come up in German - any way to change it to english?
  2. ashem0

    French Wheaten Maran and Rhode Island Reds, producing black chicks??? Why is that???

    G'day all! So I went and put some eggs in my bator to check if my Roo was actually doing his job... turns out he was! And I now have 10 little chicks darting about in a breeder box. But I am flummoxed as to why a few of the chicks are black. Basically the Rooster is a pure bred French...
  3. ashem0

    Setting eggs today...20th May...anyone else?

    Here are my babies! 10 French Wheatens and 2 Light Barred Plymouth's. All thriving. Yay no more loner's!
  4. ashem0

    Setting eggs today...20th May...anyone else?

    Oh! And thanks Alsakan and Loopy for all your input. Much appreciated.
  5. ashem0

    Setting eggs today...20th May...anyone else?

    Just finishing off my journey, for those who might read this and think, I wonder what happened... I successfully hatched 12 out of 13 eggs that went into lockdown. I have 11 gorgeous French Wheaten Marans and 2 stunning little Light Plymouth Rocks. All zipping round their brooder box and...
  6. ashem0

    Setting eggs today...20th May...anyone else?

    That's interesting Alaskan, cause I can see a blood ring in 2-3 of them. Overall though I have 8ish that are looking good. So all is not lost. I still have the ducks in the other bator... 2/3 started... 1 is definitely looking good the other is not - just doesn't seem to be developing and the...
  7. ashem0

    Setting eggs today...20th May...anyone else?

    Hi Loopy, I purchased a Bellsouth and had the chook eggs in that within 48hrs of incubation. I candled last night and have healthy looking eye/embryo and veins in at least half of them... many of the Marans are too dark to tell yet. So I am happy with that given how traumatic the start of...
  8. ashem0

    Setting eggs today...20th May...anyone else?

    Yes, exactly...if it was vibrating later in the picture I wouldn't worry so much. IT is just a hum now with the bricks on it. But VERY much NOT impressed with it. I kept the ducks out, because I read in a couple of places the humidity should be higher than the chicks...?
  9. ashem0

    Setting eggs today...20th May...anyone else?

    Well, I'm off again! Just set this morning; 4 Light Rock Plymouth, 15 French Wheaten Marans, 2 Black Copper Marans and wait for it... 3 Khaki Campbells! 24 altogether. Story behind these babies... found a new advert on Gumtree (a little like ebay here) where a lady was advertising a doz FWM's...
  10. ashem0

    Setting eggs today...20th May...anyone else?

    CAJerseychick - G'day! I opted out of the July thread I had started, it got a little overwhelming... not sure of the etiquette required as the 'thread beginner', but there were so many layers of conversations I could not keep up with it. And last time I checked there had been over 175...
  11. ashem0

    Setting eggs today...20th May...anyone else?

    Oh dear Loopy! That's bad luck about the bloody-poo. Coccidiosis? My only lonely chicky pipped internally then didn't get any further. So none this time round. I don't think I'll do anymore until Spring now.
  12. ashem0

    Why is humidity so important during lock-down?

    Yes, I thought so... but how does the Mumma hen control that? If she can't, then theoretically surely it shouldn't matter in an incubator either, so long as it doesn't fluctuate?
  13. ashem0

    Why is humidity so important during lock-down?

    Hi Cochinbrahmalover - I thought shrink-wrapping occurred when humidity varied too much, or was too high?
  14. ashem0

    $French Wheaten Marans$

    That's interesting fragrantblossom where'd you get them from?
  15. ashem0

    Why is humidity so important during lock-down?

    Why is humidity so important during the lock-down phase of incubating? Mother-hen is not able to change the level of humidity for her clutch, so why is it so important in the 'artificial' method of hatching chickies?
  16. ashem0

    Setting eggs today...20th May...anyone else?

    Loopy - do you add another thermometer inside your Brinsea or have faith in it alone?
  17. ashem0

    Setting eggs today...20th May...anyone else?

    Oh my, Loopy...that is awful... so sorry to hear your news. May I ask, how the hen got a broken hip/leg? And what you were able to do for her to help? It seems that sometimes a healthy hatch is just the first hurdle and that we need to get them through the next 2-3 weeks before they are a sure...
  18. ashem0

    Set some eggs just now, due date 20th July.... anyone else setting just now? Hatch-Along

    Gen9 I love your picture of the sleeping chickie's - too cute! No news at my end, and have just entered day 22.
  19. ashem0

    Setting eggs today...20th May...anyone else?

    Wow Loopy you have had a great turn out. And sounds like you have that mystery chickie solved. Congratulations!! Disco was a mystery until a week ago when the breeder brought some feed round and checked him out... said straight away... "I know who your Daddy is! He's a Silkie!" And sure...
  20. ashem0

    Set some eggs just now, due date 20th July.... anyone else setting just now? Hatch-Along

    In lock-down over here now. Only one egg viable I reckon, but left the other 2 in there anyway - not smelling so hopefully no explosions! Hoping it hatches as per it's calendar - I will have a house full of kiddies on Saturday and would be nice for them to see it. Goodluck everyone!
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