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  1. Teacherchick18

    October-hatch-along 2019

    I didn’t anticipate participating in this hatchalong, however, my silkie went broody and the hubby stuck some eggs under her. One egg happened to be a duck, and my silkie left the nest after 4 of the 5 eggs hatched. We had a cold front move through our area and I found the abandoned egg ice...
  2. Teacherchick18

    2 Broodys co parenting?

    One of my silkies went broody so I gave her 6 eggs to hatch. About a week into her sitting, the other silkie started sitting too. When one would get off the nest to eat, drink and stretch her legs, the other would get on the eggs. They never fought and seemed to be happily sharing the hatching...
  3. Teacherchick18

    Silkie attacked

    I will try to upload the pics again. They are all between 1 and 4 years of age. She is the only silkie. We have 2 ameraucanas, 1 cuckoo Maran, 1 Dominique, 1 Cochin, 1 RIR, and 1 mixed breed of a comet or something white. The coop is about 5.5’x 4.5’ and the run is 20’x 10’x 6’ with an...
  4. Teacherchick18

    Silkie attacked

    We have an established mixed flock of 8 hens. We’ve had our birds for several years now and never had any problems. Today I looked out at the run and saw to my horror, several of my hens jumping on top of and attacking my silkie. They had managed to tear up and bloody the back of her neck/head...
  5. Teacherchick18

    One of my hens laid a HUGE egg!

    We aren’t sure exactly who it is laying the eggs. The options are: Welsummer, RIR, Dominique or Cochin. The 1st 3 are a few years old. The Cochin is about 10 months or so.
  6. Teacherchick18

    Sicilian Buttercups

    We had a Sicilian Roo for about a year. He was the friendliest rooster I’ve ever met! Acted just like a dog! Would roost in the garage as my Father in law would tinker with his classic cars, would follow us around the house and garden and would hop on the front porch railing and crow for his...
  7. Teacherchick18

    One of my hens laid a HUGE egg!

    I have a hen that consistently lays excessively large eggs. Many are double yolkers. I’d say we probably get one at least every other day. Today’s egg has me concerned however, because it seems to have blood on it. What would be the reason for these large eggs and is it dangerous for her to lay...
  8. Teacherchick18

    Old Fashioned Broody Hen Hatch A Long and Informational Thread

    So I was able to get my other hens to lay in a different box. I didn't want close her off to leaving when she needs. I go and check the nest each day when she's off and every day there's a broken egg. :barnie I scooped more bedding in but I'm not sure why eggs keep getting broken. Would a hen...
  9. Teacherchick18

    Old Fashioned Broody Hen Hatch A Long and Informational Thread

    Honestly I don't know who is at the top. We only have 3 chickens. She is an ameraucana and the others are a Dominique and a Rhode Island Red. They've been together since birth and always travel together nicely...never seen anyone fighting or taking charge. If the others go in there to lay they...
  10. Teacherchick18

    Old Fashioned Broody Hen Hatch A Long and Informational Thread

    Thanks! I put a doz eggs under her all at the same time and marked them all. My biggest concern right now is that I've read a lot about moving the hen. Right now she's in a nest where everyone lays. I don't want the eggs getting broken when others come in while she's away. Should she be moved...
  11. Teacherchick18

    Hen in nest box over 24 hours?

    Could she be broody? We had the same thing happen to us. She was in it for 3 days. When we finally checked on her to see what was up we found her on top of 12 eggs. We don't have a rooster so I replaced them with fertilized eggs I acquired and she's still sitting. I have never hatched under a...
  12. Teacherchick18

    Old Fashioned Broody Hen Hatch A Long and Informational Thread

    Hello! I hope it's ok if I jump on here with a question. I just had one of my Ameraucanas go broody. Since I don't have a rooster, the poor thing is sitting for nothing! I always hatch in an incubator and have several doz chicks cheeping away right now which is why I think she's gone broody...
  13. Teacherchick18

    Broody Hen Thread!

    I just had one of my Ameraucanas go broody. Since I don't have a rooster, the poor thing is sitting for nothing! I always hatch in an incubator and have several doz chicks cheeping away right now which is why I think she's gone broody. I've decided to get her some eggs to hatch, but I've never...
  14. Teacherchick18

    White Rooster

    I know he still looks small and doesn't have Spurs yet but he is a roo. He's been crowing and his saddle feathers are starting to come in. This pic was taken when he was still very young. Thanks for everyone's interest. We were able to find him a home, but I do appreciate your willingness to...
  15. Teacherchick18

    The 7th Annual BYC Easter Hatch-A-Long!

    I want to hatch-a-long this year! Time to dust off the 'ol incubator!!
  16. Teacherchick18

    White Rooster

    Help!! I raised this handsome fellow from a baby under the pretense that he was a hen. Recently, he has begun making a noise that can only be considered an early crow. My neighborhood does not allow roosters so I need to find him a good home quick! I am not asking a rehoming fee, just that you...
  17. Teacherchick18

    My duck eggs hatching early!?!? Did I do something wrong?

    I'd love to see what he looks like! Do share some pics!
  18. Teacherchick18

    My duck eggs hatching early!?!? Did I do something wrong?

    None of the other eggs hatched. Today is day 33. I decided to candle to see if there was any movement in case any of the eggs came from muscovys. As I picked one up I noticed it had pipped right in the middle of the egg. It pipped on the side it was laying on so I never noticed it until today...
  19. Teacherchick18

    My duck eggs hatching early!?!? Did I do something wrong?

    So here is a pic of Bill. He is probably driving the chicks crazy because he keeps stepping in the water lol. But I have puppy pads down so it really isn't wet. Those things are super absorbent! Its a trade off since the chicks get in the food dish and kick it around. I guess he thinks they will...
  20. Teacherchick18

    My duck eggs hatching early!?!? Did I do something wrong?

    Ok. I put him in with 3 chicks that are about 8 days old. They seem to be doing ok. when I had him with all 12 they were just running him over. A few are better.
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