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  1. chick24

    coop training?

    Mine were happy in the run but could/would not go up the ramp into the coop at night. So for two weeks we had to go out there at dusk and lift each one up to the coop. At first we locked them in and would let them out in the morning, but then we started letting them come out on their own in the...
  2. chick24

    Two young roosters need new homes in CA Bay Area

    I have, from a straight run batch of eggs (local breeder, not hatchery): 1 barred rock rooster. 9 weeks old. beautiful and tame. this guy will sit on my lap and my shoulder and come running for treats. In fact he's my favorite of the batch and I'm so sad to have to give him up but we can't...
  3. chick24

    my flock of three. . .any thoughts?

    Thanks that's helpful!
  4. chick24

    my flock of three. . .any thoughts?

    Yeah, mine had yellow legs and is all white. All yellow as a chick although some of its hatch mates were yellow with little black dots here and there. White rock makes some sense, as there was Plymouth rick in the flock the eggs came from. So interesting!
  5. chick24

    my flock of three. . .any thoughts?

    about 6 weeks could it be an EE though? some sort of cross?
  6. chick24

    my flock of three. . .any thoughts?

    Thanks! You're my first ray of hope. And I didn't know Amerucanas could be white, that would fit into what I was told of the breeds. No, no crowing yet. :) so I'll hold out hope!
  7. chick24

    my flock of three. . .any thoughts?

    Tame and good with kids are my main requirements. Obviously, we want eggs, but were definitely raising chickens as pets. Before I wound up with these mystery chicks I was thinking of my ideal being a mixed flock with buff orph, brahma, br, australorp and Sussex. But I'm very new to chickens so...
  8. chick24

    my flock of three. . .any thoughts?

    Thanks all! I was originally told they came from a flock of BR, New Hampshire reds, and amerucanas, but clearly that info (passed down from the preschool) was incomplete! The BR had always been obvious, but the others a mystery. Their names are Ebony, Ivory and Harmony. hahaha! I love my...
  9. chick24

    Bright yellow chick?

    White leghorn probably. I have one, I think, that is 6 weeks old.
  10. chick24

    my flock of three. . .any thoughts?

    Ah man, that's gonna be a bummer. Cuz i'll have to rehome them, plus I don't want to leave my one lady all lonely. These three are such good friends. . .
  11. chick24

    my flock of three. . .any thoughts?

    Okay, here are my three straight run chicks. From a mixed flock (fertile eggs hatched at my son's preschool). They are 6 weeks old and I am starting to think I have two roos. :( We can't keep any roos, so I'm hoping that it's just a matter of breed differences. . .but the white and the BR have...
  12. chick24


    I found this and am now relieved to see that it's just caecal poo I was noticing. Had never heard of it before. Who knew I'd learn so much by having chicks! Lol
  13. chick24


    I have the same issue. Some solid some runny. Is it normal?
  14. chick24

    Guess on my BR

    Somebody tell me it's too early to tell!
  15. chick24

    Guess on my BR

    :( oh dear. No, that's my only BR. We got three mystery chicks as straight run (my sons preschool hatched them). Thats the only BR, the others are likely a black EE and a white leghorn. the EE has a much smaller comb, the leghorn is looking similar in comb growth but has been slower yo feather...
  16. chick24

    Guess on my BR

    Added another not sure it's a lot better though. I'll have to check my "real" camera and not just upload from my phone.
  17. chick24

    Guess on my BR

    Only 3 weeks old, but pretty prominent comb already turning pink. What do you think? I really hope it's a pullet though cuz we can't keep a roo. :( (
  18. chick24

    Please critique this coop for me!!!

    Do you know of any others that are better but in that price range? I found another I liked, about the same price BUT they wanted $200 for shipping! Plus we'd have to put it together ourselves. This one comes with delivery and install for the price. Thanks for the feedback everyone! Keep it...
  19. chick24

    Please critique this coop for me!!!

    We have our first chicks! :) We have three 3week old chicks and are starting to think about coops for when they move to the backyard. We have limited space and budget right now and we won't be building it ourselves. Here is an add I found on craigslist, but before I go for it I was hoping for...
  20. chick24

    Is this a chick? If so, advice appreciated!

    Yeah, you don't want them to be wet! They will get chilled.
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