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  1. Angela Gazey

    Post a Picture of Your Cross Breed

    Black Australorp (Father) X Isa Brown (Mother) Black Australorp/Isa Brown/RIR (Father) X Black Australorp / Golden Campine (Mother) Black Australorp / Isa Brown (Father) X RIR (Mother) Black Australorp / Isa Brown (Father) X RIR (Mother)
  2. Angela Gazey

    Hen with very enlarged abdomen, please help!

    Firstly - sorry that Peaches is unwell - I know how distressing it can be to have sick animals. I had several hens a few years ago with very similar symptoms - is the abdomen hard or more 'squishy' to touch? Unfortunately it sounds like an internal laying problem which has probably become...
  3. Angela Gazey

    Young guinea with either a broken leg at the hock or its dislocated

    If it is a dislocation you might be able to put it back in - provided it happened recently. I had a rooster which had a dislocated leg and managed to put it back in and taped it for about three weeks for stabilisation and it was fine :). If you do tape you need to be careful with the swelling.
  4. Angela Gazey

    Underweight and pale red laying hen

    Hi, She's doing much better :) I actually got an egg from her yesterday - it's our winter in Perth, I didn't think she would start laying again until spring ! :)
  5. Angela Gazey

    Do you play favorites? Admit's OK....I won't tell the others....

    I also have a crazy chicken . . . a Golden Campine named speckles, she's female but has begun crowing, is free range because she escapes, and also enjoys attacking the dogs (and people) and stealing their food. Despite this she is pretty. Kye is actually my favourite he's a really friendly...
  6. Angela Gazey

    seriously injured rooster

    Sorry about your rooster, I'm very attached to mine and know how upsetting it is :(. I've also seen chickens survive some very nasty injuries, I'd give him some time to get over the shock and see if there is any improvement. (My old rooster was attacked by a fox whilst defending the flock, he...
  7. Angela Gazey

    Underweight and pale red laying hen

    Thanks :), I've decided its probably from the moult - she did seem a little better today. Being relatively free range they have access to worms etc which I figured would be good protein - should I be giving her extra and if so what do you recommend?
  8. Angela Gazey

    Underweight and pale red laying hen

    Hi, I recently began my first year at Uni, this has been a busy time so my parents have been looking after the chickens. Study break began today so I went to check on how they were going. I found that our 3 year old brown laying hen appears to be underweight and is very pale. There is no...
  9. Angela Gazey

    New to Backyard Chickens - Hi :)

    Hi, I'm Angela - I've used the backyard chickens site for a while now . . . figured it was time to join up and say hello :) However I did wait until I had a question about one of my chickens! I have a mixed flock of cross breed Australorps, Rhode Island Reds, a Golden Campine and one...
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