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  1. toyzbox

    Guinea chick showing signs of brain injury

    one of 9 chicks that hatched 2 weeks ago has begun to show signs of damage. She walks backwards more than forward and keeps her head cocked over like she's looking at the ceiling most of the time. She moves and eats well but I'm worried about her future. Any ideas on what happened or what can...
  2. toyzbox

    When you're not sure how old they are

    So I had to rescue some guinea eggs and candled them before I put them in the bater. As near as we can tell they are about 3 weeks old but can't be sure. I read that there should be a pretty good size air sac if they are viable. So it was easy to see the empty eggs and there were some that...
  3. toyzbox

    Guinea Eggs Question

    Interesting idea....not sure about Neem Oil being pet safe but I wonder if Diatomaceous Earth would do the trick
  4. toyzbox

    Guinea Eggs Question

    What temp and humidity do you think I should set the bater at this late in the game???
  5. toyzbox

    Guinea Eggs Question

    One of my girls is sitting on about 20 eggs. So far they have never had a successful hatch. I'm in NW Florida and the red ants are terrible. As soon as the eggs hatch the ants are on them before they can be saved. And while Guineas will eat almost any bug they will not touch red ants. They...
  6. toyzbox

    How long to train Juveniles

    I have older guineas that free range. I plan of getting some juveniles. Is it the same amount of time they have to be caged before I let them out with the others? I'm wondering if they will be more likely to stay because they see the rest of the flock all day while they are in the coop. Thanks
  7. toyzbox

    Won't roost in the trees

    I've been reading other posts about Guineas here and as usual I learn a lot. But some folks say, they should roost in the trees and some say the coop. Mine will not do either. They sleep at night under my living room window. Should I be training them to sleep in the coop or the trees? I...
  8. toyzbox

    Well here come phase two of "She is throwing up and her crop is big and hard"

    Well, as usual you guys know your stuff. She started to feel much better as soon as she got some of that Olive Oil in her. After a few days I took her out of the mommy hospital and she seems to be doing well. But when I got home from work I realize that all the other hens are beating her up...
  9. toyzbox

    Well here come phase two of "She is throwing up and her crop is big and hard"

    Well holding her upside down worked perfect. Poor thing, she was just full. Today she looks a bit better and is drinking water. But I can't get ger to eat the bread with olive oil. When you say soaked, what exactly do you mean. SOAKED or soaked a bit?
  10. toyzbox

    Well here come phase two of "She is throwing up and her crop is big and hard"

    Shes a 3 yr old sex link. She was fine last night. Today I found her just sitting there with her wings out a little. Her crop was way too big. As soon as I picked her up she vomitted a dark brown like water. any idea what that may be. she looks bad.
  11. toyzbox

    HELP!! I think she is dieing

    Thanks so much everyone. Your thoughts are really kind. I did have her poo checked and it was clear. The vet said it was most likely egg binding but I did not have the $80 to do the xray. But just to make sure I'm giving the rest Tetracyclen (bad spelling) for a week. Thanks again..all of you...
  12. toyzbox

    HELP!! I think she is dieing

    She passed this afternoon. But thank you for the helpful suggestions and the understanding
  13. toyzbox

    HELP!! I think she is dieing

    Thanks for asking terrilhb. Feeling kind of alone right now. I just can't figure what is wrong with her. No worms, no egg binding, she's just so weak. But she made it to morning. Maybe I need to call a vet. I know she's "just" a chicken but she's kind of a pet. She took a bit of sugar...
  14. toyzbox

    HELP!! I think she is dieing

    Well it's 4am and she is still with me. She is still all puffed up and her tail is down. I checked her poo and I don't see anything weird, it's just runny. She did take a bit of sugar water and she seemed to like it.
  15. toyzbox

    HELP!! I think she is dieing

    I felt her and it doesn't feel hard to me. And she will not take the sugar water. I've got her warm and I'll keep trying. Man I hate to lose her. She is one of my favorites (of course..isnt that always the way). She is just standing at the front of the cage looking so weak. I'm waiting for...
  16. toyzbox

    HELP!! I think she is dieing

    Hey I found some tetraycline. Can that help
  17. toyzbox

    HELP!! I think she is dieing

    Going to try it now. I've got her in a heated room in the workshop. I showed her some feed and she pecked at it once then nothing. But I'll try the sugar water. I don't have anything else. Will let you know thanks l
  18. toyzbox

    HELP!! I think she is dieing

    I found my 2 year old BO on the ground today. She has had diarrea bad for the last 2 weeks. I've keeped her washed but she is getting worse. She is not breathing hard. I think her belly is hard but I'm not sure. She is weak. I have her in warm water right now just incase it's egg binding...
  19. toyzbox

    Updated 1-15-11 Very sick hen; not egg bound; diarrhea, droopy, standing upright

    Tracy, what is the mix of cedar vinager to water that you use???
  20. toyzbox

    Mild Diarrhea Plus

    I have a 2 year old BO that has always been in good health. But in the last 3 weeks she has developed what looks like mild diarrhea. And if I don't catch is fast enought it runs from her vent and when it drys it pulls her feather together and I think that is causing her pain too. I give her...
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