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  1. ABeautifulLife

    Indian Runner duck got its leg chewed off!! Not even a stump left. :*(

    Purplesquirrel, I am so so sorry to hear about this. I would trap and kill the foxes as well as you are very justified. As far as care goes, the day it happened to me I put her in the bathtub to try and wash off her wound. After that I wrapped her up in a towel to warm her up. She was not...
  2. ABeautifulLife

    Indian Runner duck got its leg chewed off!! Not even a stump left. :*(

    Yarnchick, like everyone else has said, ducks are extremely adaptable! It's amazing what they can overcome & how well they can heal on their own! Make sure to update us :) Here's another picture of my one legged Poca girl because I just love her so :)
  3. ABeautifulLife

    Indian Runner duck got its leg chewed off!! Not even a stump left. :*(

    Hi all I just wanted to update about my one legged girl. She coops up at night by herself in an ultra safe coop. Her leg has healed up better than I could have ever imagined and she is a spunky little thing. She gets in and out of the pool/pond as she pleases as well as roams around our yard...
  4. Plumeria in bloom 2013

    Plumeria in bloom 2013

  5. ABeautifulLife

    Indian Runner duck got its leg chewed off!! Not even a stump left. :*(

    Hi all, I know this thread is from 2011 so I'm aware that I may not get a response. Last night, it seems a raccoon got the leg of my 4 week old indian runner. It is up by her body where the leg was chewed off and there is a small stump. The bleeding had slowed significantly when we found her...
  6. ABeautifulLife

    7 week old sick pullets???

    Thanks for the replies everyone. They have been under heat for 24 hours. I just got the Corid set up for them along with vitamin B1 free food in hopes that they will eat it when they are ready. Will update you guys with more information soon (hopefully good news!)
  7. ABeautifulLife

    7 week old sick pullets???

    I don't think they have worms simply because I don't see any in their poop, but I've never had a chicken with worms. I gave them some fruit some yogurt and the tetracycline water but I don't think they've drank or eaten any. They're under the heat lamp
  8. ABeautifulLife

    7 week old sick pullets???

    The symptoms match for these 2 birds but the other 20 are fine.. AND I paid for them to be vaccinated for Cocci... would giving them corid affect them because of the vaccination? if its not cocci would giving them this affect them negatively? thanks for the replies
  9. ABeautifulLife

    7 week old sick pullets???

    Thanks for the reply Elena! I'm going to go separate them and mix them up some water with tetracycline. Lets keep our fingers crossed my ladies pull through!
  10. ABeautifulLife

    7 week old sick pullets???

    Hello all, and thanks in advance for the help! I live in central Florida and in February we recieved 22 chicks from McMurray Hatchery that were supposedly vaccinated for Marek's and Cocci... these pullets are 7 weeks old and have been living outside in their coop for 2 weeks and are doing...
  11. ABeautifulLife

    Rhode Island Red laid 1 egg, and hasn't laid for 4 weeks.

    Thanks for the info foreverlearning. I thought she may be hiding eggs and I had problems with another hen hiding them so they stay in the coop until at least one of the 3 hens lay. I'm almost 100% positive that she is not hiding them because I have kept her in the coop for a couple days to see...
  12. ABeautifulLife


    FireflyNights, I grew up on the Treasure Coast in Palm City! Small world. I had success with my raspberries this summer and I got a bunch before the chickens found them and started eating them. After september they were done flowering and producing. When is the right time to trim the stalks...
  13. ABeautifulLife

    Rhode Island Red laid 1 egg, and hasn't laid for 4 weeks.

    Hi all, My Rhode Island Red is 33 weeks old (8 months), and laid her first and only egg at 29 weeks old on Nov 1st. She is not the youngest hen, but I belive she is on the bottom of totem poll. She doesn't get picked on or tormented by other hens or even the rooster for that matter. We live...
  14. ABeautifulLife

    Easter Egger Sexing "tips and tricks" *Pictures Included*

    Aoxa, here she is about 12 weeks old.
  15. ABeautifulLife

    Easter Egger Sexing "tips and tricks" *Pictures Included*

    Hi all, here is my EE (part araucana) supposed roo. Most agree that it's a he but s/he has no pointy saddle feathers.. Maybe he's a late bloomer? S/he's rumpless. I've been searching for someone else who has something like this but all that I've found have tails. I'd love to see if anyone else...
  16. ABeautifulLife


    The peas we planted I'm pretty sure were snow peas. I picked them up at my local Ace and they had a different packaging and it said asain something on it. My brandywine tomato grew great and it produced big hearty tomatoes. They were not round and some would call them ugly. I made bruchetta...
  17. ABeautifulLife

    Edit: 5 1/2 week old pics(pg 2)Ameraucana? gender?

    An EE is pretty much a mix that produces blue or green colored eggs. Alot of them have characteristics of Ameraucanas, or other types of chickens, but are not show bird material. I have an EE that is mixed with Araucana and is rumpless! (for now). Here's a really good thread with pictures of...
  18. ABeautifulLife

    Edit: 5 1/2 week old pics(pg 2)Ameraucana? gender?

    Hello! I'm new to this aswell, so I'm not claiming to be an expert in anyway! :) Your chicks look just like my Easter Egger roo (their feathering not sex). I think it's still to young to tell gender. My mother in law has one yellow Ameraucana hen who has the tufts/muffs, and 3 adult EE hens...
  19. ABeautifulLife


    Also! We did some sort of Asian pea. It had very thin skin and you could see the beans on the inside. They had light pink flowers and grew pretty fast. We harvested them, and when they got hit by the hailstorm they were pretty much done. We tried to nurse them back, but ther was no hope. We...
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