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  1. katkim22

    Sudden chicken death

    I know I'm right there with you Faye, I let them out this morning and are all were waddling around happily so I have the same philosophy you do that it is an anomaly or the other girls would show symptoms! Kathie
  2. katkim22

    Sudden chicken death

    Hi Eureka chick, I too lost a chicken last night. She was in my sand arena lying very quietly only for me to discover she was dead. She is a Rhode Island and just over 10 months old. I have a small flock (10 well now 9) and too have not had deaths. I checked her over and no wounds, no feathers...
  3. katkim22

    California - Northern

    Wow thank you so much for the resources. My one hen I have left looks almost identical to the Silver Americauna and her eggs are more white in color than blue. They honestly are the best tasting eggs ever. I saw on the website you provided that there are breeders in California that will ship...
  4. katkim22

    California - Northern

    Yes thankyou I am looking for the chickens. I currently have 4 Rhode Island Reds, 4 Faverolles and only 1 Ameraucana. Unfortunately we have raccoon, bobcat, and rat issues so until I built a animal resistant coop in one of my horse stalls for night time I lost many chickens most of them were my...
  5. katkim22

    California - Northern

    So in your experience do people have a little older chickens (6 months) that are ready to lay? Americaunas in particular? Sac isn't to far from me so I may check this out. Thank you for the information. Kathie from Vacaville.
  6. katkim22

    Looking for Chickens in Vacaville area?

    Hey all I am brand new to this forum and so far am finding it awesome! What a wealth of information on chickens. I have shared this site with several chicken friends and they too are thrilled. We have a huge shortage of Americauna's over 6months in our area. We have tons of Road Island Reds? Go...
  7. katkim22

    California - Northern

    Hey all I am in N Ca smack in between Sac & SF! Trying to find 6 mos old Amercauna's???? Anyone have resources???? Kathie
  8. katkim22

    New Member

    Hi all I am a new member and excited about being able to learn more about my girls. I have 4 Faverolles, 4 Road Island Reds, and 1 remaining Ameraucana. I like the Amerraucana eggs the best but unfortunately with coyotes, mountain lion, rats, and raccoons until I built an 'entry tight' coop to...
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