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  1. kittychook

    Impacted crop, impacted gizard, sour crop.....differences in each?

    My beloved silkie, Chardonnay seems to have a crop problem - she was jerking her head around quite a bit and we realised that her crop was enlarged, we have vomited her a couple of times, she seems desperate to eat but every time she has something to eat it seems to just be getting stuck, she...
  2. kittychook

    Booted bantams - 7 months - girls or boys?

    You were definitely right - poor Dolly must be having an identify crisis - have to call him Dexter now !!
  3. kittychook

    How early have your birds started laying?

    The white one was about 18 weeks on 17th August and just started laying a week or so ago ... The gold we were not totally sure of her age when we got her so I couldn't say. Our booted bantam is the oldest - about 10 months and still no eggs !!
  4. kittychook

    How early have your birds started laying?

    Update on our chickens/laying - the gold silkie started laying in october, the white silkie started laying just a couple of weeks ago - despite the white one not being a bantam the eggs are only just a little bigger !! Our Pekins went broody a little while ago and have not laid since - but...
  5. kittychook

    Sprained/Broken leg?

    I am sorry I have no idea about that but I think you should try anything that comes to mind- a physical barrier should surely work ?
  6. kittychook

    City Chickens in Liverpool

    Hi Shaun, We're also in Liverpool !! So sorry for your loss. Hope you'll be able to move on in time and enjoy your new chooks. We got most of ours from dobbies in Speke but literally 4 out of 7 have been boys and we've had to try and swap them! Everyone thinks its hilarious!!! Nice to find...
  7. kittychook

    Sprained/Broken leg?

    But now it turns out that dolly might be a boy !!! After all that love and attention !! Oh dear !! I can't bear to part with him/her so just going to wait it out until we get crowing or some other rooster type behaviour !!
  8. kittychook

    Booted bantams - 7 months - girls or boys?

    Really do you think? That will be the 4th Roo we have had out of 7 chooks
  9. kittychook

    Booted bantams - 7 months - girls or boys?

    So the sablepoot is Tilly - the millefleur Dolly !! Dolly's tail feathers seem to be a lot larger than Tilly's - surely if she was a Roo it would be more pronounced than this at 7 months! The place where we got them has some millefleurs that are definitely boys -- what do you think ?? No eggs yet !
  10. kittychook

    How early have your birds started laying?

    I think they are about 22/24 weeks now - no sign of eggs but they are awful sweet
  11. kittychook

    How early have your birds started laying?

    Maggie and Peggie our Pekins laid an egg each yesterday and now Maggie looks like she's laying another !!! If you look at the pictures above you'll see how developed their combs are and I would say the wattles have grown a little bigger since I took the pictures. Not totally sure how old they...
  12. kittychook

    How early have your birds started laying?

    Peggy Maggie And finally - Ginger our ISA brown So sorry I'm Struggling with loading multiple images for some reason!
  13. kittychook

    How early have your birds started laying?

    Hello! Sounds like predicting when your girls will lay is not easy !! I am wondering if anyone has experience with bantams - we are not totally sure how old our girls are which doesn't help ?! Any ideas on whether we should be expecting anything soon? Dolly: Tilly
  14. kittychook

    Silkie boy or girl??

    We are not sure of the age unfortunately
  15. kittychook

    Silkie boy or girl??

    Thanks everyone ! Here is a close up of the comb !
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