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  1. DementedHam

    FUNGAL FEET.....what is it?

    DementedHam here, with an update two years in the making. So my miniature hen has been long "cured" of what turned out to be scaly leg mites. It took a little over a month to cure her and to ensure that the rest of my flock had not gotten the mites. I'm not sure if I caught it too late though...
  2. DementedHam

    Has anyone used the vaccine for infectious coryza?

    My chickens just had Coryza. They are still recovering from it. I did not use a vaccine, i gave them an antibiotic [sulfadimethoxine] which can be bought as MARVEL AID ULTRA CARE. It is an oral remedy that i found at my feedstore. Within 2-3 weeks you see improvements. i hape that helps. If...
  3. DementedHam

    Chickens with a runny nose.....

    Thanks for the responses. I did research and my chickens DO have Coryza. The little rooster that began the epidemic died today. It was my sister's and she was very sad. I've been having trouble finding a local feed store that has antibiotics or drugs for Coryza. I'm looking online but if anyone...
  4. DementedHam

    Chickens with a runny nose.....

    Thank you for responding, I checked my coop again today and it is spreading. Their breath DOES have a smell, there is a tinge of either rotting or stinky fish scent to their breath, something like that that makes their breath smell bad. The two that I believe have not yet been "infected" have...
  5. DementedHam

    FUNGAL FEET.....what is it?

    A miniature hen of mine has begun to "lose" her scales from her feet and they seem to be getting slightly bigger. i have seen some chickens before with white, deformed-like feet due to what looks like some fungus growing on them. At first I thought she was just molting scales like chickens molt...
  6. DementedHam

    Chickens with a runny nose.....

    For about a week now, I have noticed that my birds have been getting sick. It started with a miniature rooster sneezing more frequently than a chicken would. Later, I began to be able to hear him breathing because there seemed to be a build up of mucus. Now he still has the two prior problems...
  7. DementedHam

    rooster will not sing

    my aunt called me no to long ago telling me that her rooster has stopped singing. this is one of the "symptoms" that has accompanied what she says is a sort of depression her rooster has. The rest of her flock is all well, he has no injuries she has seen, he walks around but kind of sad-like...
  8. DementedHam

    [PIC] URGENT: chicken has eye infection [PIC]

    I posted a pic. As you can see it is in the edge of her eye. What does it look like to you guys?
  9. DementedHam

    [PIC] URGENT: chicken has eye infection [PIC]

    Here's the story, on thursday i left to go camping for the whole weekend and when i came back today (sunday) my black star hen had a thing in her eye. This thing is about the size of a pea, it's white-like, and it is pushing her eye out of the way. This hen was not this way on thursday. I've...
  10. DementedHam

    [PICS] UPDATED: Chickens have mites, what about my bunnies?

    THE UPDATE: Thank you for the help, you guys were right. I bought some mite dust [Permethrin based]. NEW question though............can the bunnies get the same lice because they are always in close contact with the chickens. Either way, what can I use to kill their lice/mites if they have...
  11. DementedHam

    [PICS] UPDATED: Chickens have mites, what about my bunnies?

    Thank You for the help. Quote: Chicken fleas/mites can cause scabby faces? I did not know. At what age can I give the chicks an anti-mite dust bath so they don't die? When I mow the lawn I throw the grass in the coop so the chickens can scratch and eat it and a few days late I will throw it...
  12. DementedHam

    [PICS] UPDATED: Chickens have mites, what about my bunnies?

    I have a miniature rooster that has a human version of the flu. He has mucus in his little nose, he isn't singing, sometimes I can hear the mucus in his throat but when I open his beak enough to get a good look it is clear of mucus or any other obstructions. He has had it for two weeks. I did...
  13. DementedHam

    Just gave my white leghorn some eggs

    That is so weird! My leghorn went broody once but for three days. I never imagined one of them hatching eggs......... good luck on your hatch.
  14. DementedHam

    Chick sexing technique???

    I was on YouTube and I saw a video "How it's made HATCHERY CHICKS". For anyone that has seen it, the video says day old chicks can be sexed looking at their wing's tips. ----------------------- ------------ ----------------------- This would be a FEMALE ------------...
  15. DementedHam

    When do roosters begin to crow??I NEED TO KNOW

    domromer that is sooo cute! I want a chicky that does that!!!
  16. DementedHam

    Can a hen get broody without a rooster?

    Can a hen get broody without a rooster around to mount them and such? I know there is a thread somewhere but I've looked and I can't find it. I ask because I plan on giving away my roo and keeping only my hens. I would still like them to get broody because my cousin would be able to supply me...
  17. DementedHam

    Broody Questions???

    Congrats!!! Ofcourse she will go broody again! For eggs, you have to wait a little over a month, once her broodiness has passed and she allows the rooster to mount her. At a month old, the mom will start "hurting" her kids (pecking them or holding them in a stern manner) to make them leave...
  18. DementedHam


    My chicks are due today, out of the six eggs, two have hatched and two have pipped/hatched. I tried to help one of the remaining two to hatch and it was fine but an hour later it was dead. The chicky had been trying for hours so I helped it out a little because it had made no progress. The...
  19. DementedHam

    Cold freaky eyes

    LOVE the picture...............hilarious!
  20. DementedHam

    i just don't know about these two. * more photos*

    My immediate thought was Red Pyle. They are a type of OEG. Google them to see pics of chicks at the age yours are. My second thought was sex links between a RIR male and a Leghorn female. Hope I helped.
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