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  1. Chickenlove64

    Poultry Predator Identification

    Yes, all the hens were locked up in the coop that night because of the raccoon from a couple nights ago. Our dog actually brought us the body of the hen a week ago. There were hardly any feathers and only the wings were really left. Still not sure what could have gotten her.
  2. Chickenlove64

    Poultry Predator Identification

    This morning I found the head of one of our best layers in our front lawn. Just the head, no body anywhere. No feathers or blood in the coop either. I'm not sure what could have done that? The coop is a ways away from our front lawn, so you could imagine how surprised I was when I found her head...
  3. Chickenlove64

    Old'ish chick bit/stung by something (Swelling)

    She's... dead... She didn't make it over last night. Yesterday night I was so happy she lived and I thought that everything would turn around and get better but it only got worse. We can only hope that our barred rock doesn't turn out the same...
  4. Chickenlove64

    HELP!!! hen with infected eye and its swollen

    I have the same problem w/ my chicken! And it's the same breed too! My chick looks just like yours at the moment
  5. Chickenlove64

    Old'ish chick bit/stung by something (Swelling)

    I'm honestly surprised shes still alive... Yesterday we found her on her back laying under the coop and I thought for sure she wasn't going to make it. We put her in a box full of straw and put her in our barn surrounded by blankets. She still looks really bad and I'm not sure if she's going to...
  6. Chickenlove64

    Old'ish chick bit/stung by something (Swelling)

    Sorry for late reply, I had to go to my friends house to complete a math assignment. Were injecting the antibiotics directly into the mouth and were using erythromycin and tetracycline. I've noticed (Today and yesterday) that when she walks/stands she's incredibly wobbly and the side of her face...
  7. Chickenlove64

    Old'ish chick bit/stung by something (Swelling)

    I'm afraid to say that she's gotten worse. The antibiotics my mom is giving her aren't helping anymore and her eye is still swollen. My mom picked some of the infection out, but it only made her eye bleed. My mom is saying that she's going to die and keeping her alive like this isn't helping...
  8. Chickenlove64

    Old'ish chick bit/stung by something (Swelling)

    True. When we just found out about it, we saw a small hole where she was stung/bit/poked. It looks like she was stung so were gonna have to have a look at her eye
  9. Chickenlove64

    Old'ish chick bit/stung by something (Swelling)

    I was thinking about that. We don't really know if she was stung or bit but it definitely swelled up a lot. And those are recent- It was much worse when I first saw it
  10. Chickenlove64

    Old'ish chick bit/stung by something (Swelling)

    So I have an old'ish silver laced Wyandotte chick that was bit/stung by something while they were outside. Although, I didn't notice until I was sitting outside almost 4 days ago. I noticed the side of her face was swollen up and her eye was closed shut. I don't really know what to do... Could...
  11. Chickenlove64

    If I want colorful eggs....

    We only have her. I would love to get more though! Maybe I can talk my mom into getting more :D Although our young, growing rooster Jack (He's a barred rock) has been pretty mean to her He tried to mount her and he pulled a big clump of feathers off her neck.
  12. Chickenlove64

    If I want colorful eggs....

    I love my Easter Egger When we got here, she was the last of 3 chickens. Don't know what happened to the other three. The people who moved out just left the poor hen :/ After we finished moving in, she really warmed up to us and started walking around us and hopping onto the backs of our...
  13. Chickenlove64

    If I want colorful eggs....

    My favorite colorful egg layers are Easter Eggers. They'll give you green, blue, pink, and sometimes multi colored eggs I also love their laying rate - 4-5 a week. My easter egger usually gives us 4 and they're medium-large-extra large eggs :D...
  14. Chickenlove64

    Hello from Virginia

    Welcome to BYC! Awesome! Glad to hear you're already enjoying eggs! I'm sure if you posted some pictures of those hens we could tell you the breed I don't know much about chicken breeds, but other people on here know a ton I'm still pretty new too
  15. Chickenlove64

    Weird wild duckling

    He's really cute! Hope he makes it
  16. Chickenlove64

    Hia from Terrebonne Oregon!

    Hi ! We certainly do have a big flock XD We had to make a whole new coop to fit em all lol. I love Australorp's! Dory is so old she rarely ever lays an egg (And when she does, they're teenie weenie fart eggs). My mom wants to kill her off but I absolutely love her and I won't let her XD
  17. Chickenlove64

    Hia from Terrebonne Oregon!

    Thanks! Awesome, I'll see if I can go get pics of them
  18. Chickenlove64

    Is This Delaware a Roo or a Pullet?

    Awesome! I'll see if I can go get a pic
  19. Chickenlove64

    Hia from Terrebonne Oregon!

    Well... I missed this when I first joined XD Lets see here.... Oop! There it is! The sample template (1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? I honestly have no idea when I got my first chickens. It was when we moved to Terrebonne, though. (2) How many chickens do...
  20. Chickenlove64

    Is This Delaware a Roo or a Pullet?

    This photo was taken back in March (The 13th) We bought them from the feed store- I wouldn't be able to identify the age because I'm not all that experienced with things like that XD Out here its 9:38 already and it's dark outside lol I would agree that it's a girl. Our other Barred Rock...
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