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  1. Groovynatureguy

    Growing fodder for chickens

    Playing Devils advocate here. Yes you can feed you chickens fodder all the time. Should you supplement with other things as well? I would say yes. I would never recommend feeding only one item.... Regardless of what it is.
  2. Groovynatureguy


    No I meant too cold slows down the growth of the fodder.
  3. Groovynatureguy


    I found that my fodder system seems to grow best at around 60-65 degrees F. Any colder and growth is slow and warmer and mold starts. I should post a video of the girls mobbing me in the morning for their fodder. The reaction is kinda like this.
  4. Groovynatureguy


    I'm just curious what your growing conditions are like. My fodder is ready to go on day 6.
  5. Groovynatureguy

    Wheaten and Blue wheaten Marans Discussion Thread

    Is anyone selling any hatching eggs per chance?
  6. Groovynatureguy

    Growing fodder for chickens

    I pre-presoak my BOSS for 24 hrs before adding it to my presoaking wheat for another 24 hrs.... So the BOSS soaks for 48 hours... It is all well sprouted in time for harvest
  7. Groovynatureguy

    Growing fodder for chickens

    Nice! It's amazing how sometimes things work without our help!
  8. Groovynatureguy


    First, Welcome back to Montana! We really love our Buff orphington and Barred Rocks... All are good layers and quite full of personality. we also have a wheaton Marans that is the sweetest bird ever but she hasnt started laying yet,
  9. Groovynatureguy


    Welcome !
  10. Groovynatureguy

    15 Month Old Hens Not Laying

    that would explain it.
  11. Groovynatureguy

    Growing fodder for chickens

    I would think so. The idea behind the fodder is you are using the energy stored in the seed. so no soil is needed.
  12. Groovynatureguy

    Doing it WRONG

    Welcome. Thank you for sharing your story it made me smile
  13. Groovynatureguy


    Nice looking birds. I just aquired a pair of silver Wyandottes.. They are pretty bare in the tail feather area so I am hoping they will heal up a bit this winter.
  14. Groovynatureguy

    Growing fodder for chickens If they have a drop site in your area it may be a cheaper way to go.
  15. Groovynatureguy

    Growing fodder for chickens

    never tried it. I know many add Black oil sunglower seed (BOSS) to their mixes. I would say if it will sprout after soaking for 24 hours give it a try.
  16. Groovynatureguy


    Someone on the fodder thread told a funny story about "spent grains" and some drunk roosters.... Maybe they were not totally spent...
  17. Groovynatureguy


    Spent grains. That's something I'd like to try I drink part you eat the rest....
  18. Groovynatureguy

    Growing fodder for chickens

    Yes you can. However, many report that they have problems with mold when they try. (Never tried myself)
  19. Groovynatureguy


    Whah not already! Thanks for the heads up!
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