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  1. wafflesandmoe

    The Duck Thread

    I'm looking at getting 3 or 4 pekin and 3 or 4 black Swedish. They have black swedish when I want, but not pekin
  2. wafflesandmoe

    The Duck Thread

    Hey does anyone know another great place to order ducklings from besides Metzer? They don't have the breed of duckling available the date that I want.
  3. wafflesandmoe

    The Duck Thread

    So adorable! They must of played hard haha
  4. wafflesandmoe

    The Duck Thread

    That's the problem, I live in Colorado and I dont know anyone who would take them. I'm also afraid I would get too attachted! But I think I might just incubate half the eggs and buy female ducklings for the other half. I know that might seem crazy, but I really want the experience of Incubating...
  5. wafflesandmoe

    The Duck Thread

    Awesome thanks! So you let them out in their run for most of the day then? What about when they are young and in the brooder?
  6. wafflesandmoe

    The Duck Thread

    Haha that's alright. I'm just a little worried about time commitment. How much care would you say they need a day?
  7. wafflesandmoe

    The Duck Thread

    Haha maybe for you! So what if I ordered and incubated 4 eggs, two from each breed I want (pekin and black Swedish) and then when they were close to hatching I ordered three female ducklings from each breed. I would potentionally end up with 10 ducks
  8. wafflesandmoe

    The Duck Thread

    That's true, but that would end up being a lot of ducks to take care of haha.
  9. wafflesandmoe

    The Duck Thread

    I know and I'm worried about that. What about if I ordered two eggs of the two breeds I wanted and then when I knew they were a couple days from hatching, I ordered one or two female ducklings so I knew I would more likely than not have more females than males?
  10. wafflesandmoe

    The Duck Thread

    Hey all, I just have a quick, but very important question. So I want to get ducklings, but I'm not sure if I want to order hatching eggs or the ducklings themselves. I like the idea of incubatung them, an I have done it before with one egg, and a makeshift incubator, but I'm worried because then...
  11. wafflesandmoe

    The Duck Thread

    Hey guys, i just have a question about Metzer's hatching eggs. Ok so I want to order them around May 16 so that the will hatch in the Summer when i have more time to take care of them, anyways, can i pre-order duck eggs? Or do i order them like May 13 or right around there? Thanks!
  12. wafflesandmoe

    The Duck Thread

    Hello everyone! So i'm planning on raising ducklings this spring/summer, and just had a few questions for anyone willing to answer: Ok so i'm still debating whether i should order hatching eggs, or simply the ducklings themselves. I'm keeping them as pets, so i want to have a strong bond...
  13. wafflesandmoe

    Dogs and Ducks

    I agree, and i know that if i fight with instinct, instinct will win, so i know i never will trust my dog alone with the ducks. However, i'm just hoping to get to the point where he leaves the coop alone and understands that the ducks are staying and are friends, not food. Luckily he has never...
  14. wafflesandmoe

    Dogs and Ducks

    Wait, so you believe that they might not get along? Also what is the recommended number for each? like if i got 3 peking and 3 black Swedish, would that be bad because they wouldn't exactly have paris of their own breed?
  15. wafflesandmoe

    Dogs and Ducks

    Great! Also do pekin and Black swedish get along? I was thinking of getting Rouen, but i don't want ones that might be able to fly. How high should my fences be would you suggest, though i might have it all covered for predators.
  16. wafflesandmoe

    Dogs and Ducks

    Ok so my stall is 12 ft by 12ft, and then the run is much larger, maybe as big as 15 ft by 30ft
  17. wafflesandmoe

    Dogs and Ducks

    No i understand, and i appreciate any feedback! I just wish i knew how my dog would respond to the ducks :/
  18. wafflesandmoe

    Dogs and Ducks

    Wow thank you all for responding! So my dog is a Large Munster Lander, and i personally have never gone hunting with him, but i have witnessed him chase after squirrels and kill rabbits. He is getting older, so does not have all the energy he once did, and i believe he could learn to leave ducks...
  19. wafflesandmoe

    Dogs and Ducks

    Hey everyone! So I'm thinking of getting some more ducks, probably Pekins and Black swedish, anyways I'm worried about my dog. He is a bird-dog and has gone hunting for pheasants his whole life. However, when i had a duck and chicken before, he was always more interested in the chicken and...
  20. wafflesandmoe

    New Duck Eggs! Help?

    Ok so they are Mallard eggs, so i don't think i should be seeing these weird spots. i tried to take some pictures of the outside and when i candled them.
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