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  1. Sallyintucson

    You did Whuuut?

    Be sure to sprinkle some DE on and in between anything made of wood. Some kinds of mites like to hide between or under boards and come out at night to feed on the hens.
  2. Sallyintucson

    You did Whuuut?

  3. Sallyintucson

    You did Whuuut?

  4. Sallyintucson

    Comment by 'Sallyintucson' in article 'Complete Guide ~ Dealing With All Things Broody'

    You can buy a candler for a cheap price online. If there are chicks, leave them be.
  5. Sallyintucson

    Comment by 'Sallyintucson' in article 'Complete Guide ~ Dealing With All Things Broody'

    Break the broody attitude by placing the hen in a wire bottomed cage, like a rabbit cage, for a few days. Works like magic!
  6. Sallyintucson

    Comment by 'Sallyintucson' in article 'How to Keep Chickens Cool in the Summer'

    You forgot a cheap way to keep chickens cool - buy a large rubber dish (unlike plastic, rubber dishes last forever) and refill it daily. The hens will stand in it to cool off and drink from. I live in Southern Arizona so heat is a part of life. A friend (in Missouri)...
  7. Sallyintucson

    Forage Cakes?

    My chickens love forage cakes. Since I only have three, I buy them in the smaller size so they'll last longer. Keep in mind that these are treats, so they do not replace a regular diet. (It says so on the package.) My girls love them!
  8. Sallyintucson

    Arizona Chickens

    I'm a newbie too. I've read that Silkies aren't great layers but they make terrific moms.
  9. Sallyintucson

    Arizona Chickens

    Yes, that's what I was asking. Whatever web site I read that information on (I have no clue which) claimed that chicks hatched in the fall would lay smaller and less eggs. Their explanation for this was the lack of light.
  10. Sallyintucson

    Pregnant Doe Drying Up or Sick?

    I didn't know you could send a fecal in the mail. My vet has always said it's no good after 24 hours - or is that another thing for money?
  11. Sallyintucson

    Arizona Chickens

    I read somewhere that hatching eggs this time of the year can cause problems with the pullets when they first lay eggs. Is this true?
  12. Sallyintucson

    When will she drop-goat?

  13. Sallyintucson

    Pregnant Doe Drying Up or Sick?

    You must live in a state where you can purchase shots like 5 in 1 (canines) and rabies. I do.
  14. Sallyintucson

    Dogs? Good or bad?

    On children and dogs are a lot alike, I couldn't agree more. But you can't throw a child into a shelter because you don't want to train it. Too bad you can with dogs.
  15. Sallyintucson

    HELP! My goat milk tastes "goaty" - what am I doing wrong!

    Thanks for the info. How long does the milking last once a day vs twice a day?
  16. Sallyintucson

    The Irony- Rescuing a Coopers Hawk

    Question: do you have to be licensed in your area to rescue wildlife? You may want to ask your local animal shelter or county. Your daughter could get in some big trouble if there are laws regarding wildlife rescues in your area.
  17. Sallyintucson

    HELP! My goat milk tastes "goaty" - what am I doing wrong!

    Alfalfa is a high protein hay. You know the old saying "you are what you eat"? Same thing with goat's milk, chicken eggs and any kind of meat. It's all in the feed. If you don't like Alfalfa, try something like Timothy. I'm surprised you're only milking once a day. I seem to remember that goats...
  18. Sallyintucson

    Pigs and flies

    Clean the pen frequently. Pigs are very neat in that area - they only poop in one area of their pen. Yes, you'll need to hang up some sort of fly killer but it's that way with all farm animals.
  19. Sallyintucson

    When will she drop-goat?

    She's not ready to drop yet. When she is, you will see a waxy substance on her teats (if memory serves me correctly) and her vaginal area will change. There is plenty of info online (and in books) to tell you what things will look like when she's ready to drop.
  20. Sallyintucson

    Dog help

    I don't understand the question. Is "the lead" a leash? Before accepting the dog, I would introduce it to your other two first in a area like a park to see how they get along with each other. Muzzles are NOT a bad idea. They are not cruel, it's a matter of safety for all concerned, the dogs and...
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