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  1. KerenR

    Hens Hatching Their Own Chicks

    We have 4 hens in an 8x8 brooder. Is that enough room? 2 hens are mothering the same 7 chicks. So that leaves 2 hens' chicks besides the 7 already hatched.
  2. KerenR

    Hens Hatching Their Own Chicks

    I have 4 broody hens, each in their own box, in a building just for them and their babies. One of the hen's chicks have hatched, and the other three are still sitting on eggs (though one left her eggs to be a co-mama with another hen...). One of the hens whose eggs has not hatched yet puffs...
  3. KerenR

    Help with no eggs!!!

    No not really. They went through a heavy molt, and some are still molting some. But all 30 molting so much at the same time that they all stop laying? I've seen drops in production during molting, but nowhere near like this.
  4. KerenR

    Help with no eggs!!!

    I have 30 hens that are a year old. For the past 3 weeks we have been getting 0-2 eggs a day. Nothing has changed. We locked them up for 3 days to make sure they weren't laying somewhere else. At the end of the third day, there was one egg. I've never had anything like this happen. Any ideas? I...
  5. KerenR

    Rotating goat's pasture???

    I appreciated the continuing thread...
  6. KerenR

    How To Train Your Dog Not To Kill Chickens

    5 hens are adults, 2 roosters and 28 hens are about 10 weeks old living in harmony with each other. We will not use him for hunting, but maybe to trail deer that have been hunted. Primarily he will be a family pet that we want to live in peace with our chickens and even protect them when he's...
  7. KerenR

    How To Train Your Dog Not To Kill Chickens

    So do I understand that I should not allow my Black and Tan to chase or follow the chickens? I have been taking my 8 week old out there every day with a leash to make sure he isn't showing signs if aggression, but I should not allow him to follow them around?
  8. KerenR

    Mixing Breeds

    I think we would let some of the eggs hatch. I've seen setups where they separate each breed, but that certainly complicates things since our chickens free range. We are going to sell our eggs, so I just wanted to make sure that letting baby chicks hatch would be a good idea considering that the...
  9. KerenR

    Mixing Breeds

    When I was considering getting olive eggers at one point, I read a thread that talked about being careful when trying to produce olive eggers because the colors can become muddled and ugly. Basically, you can make eggers that look like a pukey color.
  10. KerenR

    Mixing Breeds

    I just discovered that one of my 30 new chicks is a rooster. He is a black copper maran. We have barred rocks, easter eggers, silver cuckoo marans, welsummers, black copper marans, and 5 adult buffs. If we allow him to stay with our girls, will our eggs become undesirable colors? I am especially...
  11. KerenR

    Will broody hen adopt chicks?

    I am going to try it tonight with my first broody hen! So nervous and excited!
  12. KerenR

    Eating eggs from a broody hen

    They're actually infertile. Just didn't know if there was some sort of bacteria concern.
  13. KerenR

    Eating eggs from a broody hen

    I gathered 10 eggs from my broody hen that she has been sitting on for 3 days. Is it safe to eat these eggs?
  14. KerenR

    Will broody hen adopt chicks?

    Will the mama hen continue to sleep in the nesting boxes, or will she sleep down in the roosting area? Just wondering if I need a ramp going from my nesting boxes down to the ground. Right now my girls just fly up there to lay eggs. It's about 2 feet high.
  15. KerenR

    Will broody hen adopt chicks?

    I know this is an old thread, but it's a great one. I have a question about placing the chicks under the broody hen. Do you actually have her sit on them completely, or just under her wing, or their head sticking out, or what? I just don't want to suffocate them.
  16. KerenR

    How Many Chickens do YOU have?

    I am really curious...How many chickens do you have in how big of a yard (if you free range)?
  17. KerenR

    When Can You Leave Baby Chicks?

    Thanks everyone. We have a neighbor that can check in on them when she gets the eggs from our older hens each day. We'll make sure they have more than enough food and water, and she can give more of needed. She just won't be checking on them more than once a day, but it sounds like that will be...
  18. KerenR

    When Can You Leave Baby Chicks?

    They would be in an 8x8x8 shed that locks and zero way for predators to get in.
  19. KerenR

    When Can You Leave Baby Chicks?

    We are thinking of getting baby chicks, but we will be gone for 2 days when they are two weeks old. Is this doable, or irresponsible with chicks that young?
  20. KerenR

    Brooder Setup Help

    How do you keep them at 95 degrees outside?
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