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  1. thenewsouth1921

    Any Home Bakers Here?

    can't bake a cake - does pizza count as baking? it's a family business :)
  2. thenewsouth1921

    Help to identify and cure infection / illness

    Thank you so much! I gave her a bath with warm water and some vinegar and she seemed better but problem persists. I don't have a separated pen I will need to build one.. But I did check for an egg it just felt swollen. She is not laying.
  3. thenewsouth1921

    Help to identify and cure infection / illness

    I'm worried about my hen who developed some disease while molting.. yesterday gave her a warm bath and electrolytes. I thought it was egg binding but during the bath I didn't feel any egg.. but her rear is very swollen.. I want to know what this is and what I can do about it. She isn't acting...
  4. thenewsouth1921

    Ended Official BYC Contest - Worst Chicken Molt Pictures - Fall/Winter 2014

    Hey - our hens have it so good! In the wild they would be lunch!
  5. thenewsouth1921

    Chicken sponsored charity events

    Anyone know of any charities for chickens? Such as the global chicken alliance? We do lots of fundraisers at our restaurant, the most recent for Pet Project foundation (on Oct. 9th, 2014) it would be fun to do one for our feathered friends! If such an organization doesn't exit, we'd love to...
  6. thenewsouth1921

    Ended Official BYC Contest - Worst Chicken Molt Pictures - Fall/Winter 2014

    They move fast hard to get a clear shot. Look at them compared to each other - one is almost bald!
  7. thenewsouth1921

    Bugs in laying mesh feed

    I bought a large quantity of laying mesh and put it in a big plastic box and stored it inside in normally temp controlled environment. It was there for months and with the recent weather changes, there are small spider looking bugs inside. I'm wondering will this be a problem for the hens if I...
  8. thenewsouth1921

    Building your own bbq grill

    I'd like to build something like this but leaning towards a country style grill, something that can be used to cook without electricity. Any ideas?
  9. thenewsouth1921

    Missing Feathers and sores

    I bought 2 Plymoth Rock hens when they were about 1 year old (not sure exactly but they were egg-laying already) - and one had missing feathers near her tail and on the top of the wings. The farmer said it's normal and they will grow back. A few months ago, in the same places she lost many...
  10. thenewsouth1921

    can chickens find water and food on their own if its there

    See pics of my coop and run The hens are about 2 months old (not sure because of person I bought them from was not precise) - they go in...
  11. thenewsouth1921

    Newbie questions about coop and run cleaning and chicken health

    If you can see in the pics I have a 12x12 raised bed which is a big 12x12x12 cube, well today I let them in there it's not enclosed but has enough poultry mesh (not proper chicken wire) 4 feet high which is enough to keep them in but not enough to keep my cats out! I'm thinking of just...
  12. *


  13. *


  14. thenewsouth1921

    Newbie questions about coop and run cleaning and chicken health

    I've been a regular reader of this site as a new chicken owner.. Built a coop and run a few months ago with leftover materials, it's completely enclosed.. I will post pictures later I'd like community feedback! Inside the coop there is bedding, I started out putting the water and feed in the...
  15. Default


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