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  1. horstuff

    Chest feathers gone, maybe mites, diatomaceous earth, food grade

    We bought Safer brand DE but it doesn't say food grade. Should we not use it?
  2. horstuff

    How long eggs last in fridge, and...

    Is it ok to wash them before storing them in fridge? We have about two dozen eggs in fridge for about 3 weeks, and they were all washed in cold-ish water before going in fridge. Are they still safe to eat? Bobby
  3. horstuff

    red lighting gel to cover light?

    The purpose of the light is to continue laying productivity going in the winter... I heard that they need a small amount of light in the coop if they are to continue laying in winter. Is that not true?
  4. horstuff

    red lighting gel to cover light?

    I have a small, low heat self-contained worklight style fluorescent light in my 3 hen coop. I have heard that it's best to use red light, so i bought a red lighting gel (the kind used in stage and theater productions) to cover the light. I asked the manufacturer this, but they didn't know...
  5. horstuff

    Two hens dead, torn up, no sign of invader

    It looked like part of the intestines were eaten, but there was plenty left also. I'm in the Seattle area, but about 30 miles east, up against the mountain foothills. I've never even seen a raccoon out here, but I used to see lots of them when I lived in the city. Bobby
  6. horstuff

    Would a weasel rip open the intestinal area but leave the head?

    Thanks all. I'm hoping it was a possum instead of a raccoon, because they aren't as strong in ripping coop protections up, but I'm reinforcing the run and coop against raccoon's as well. Bobby
  7. horstuff

    Okay to have wood plank floor in run ( not coop)?

    chfite, That's exactly what I'm going to do. Thanks much. Bobby
  8. horstuff

    Square paving stones as digging barrier

    Thanks, all. I am going to do the wire idea, using hardware cloth. May not need it (chicken wire may suffice), but I will sleep better knowing there's no animal smaller than a bear that can tear it up. Bobby
  9. horstuff

    Square paving stones as digging barrier

    Great idea... What type of wire? Wouldn't chicken wire be too easy for them to move or rip up? Maybe hardware cloth, fastened to the bottom rail and then landscape spikes with washers every foot at the edges?
  10. horstuff

    Square paving stones as digging barrier

    I do have 24" .5 inch hardware cloth all along the bottom, but there are gaps at the door. We have a fully enclosed coop with mini run inside the CL run, and unless weasals are very strong, they won't be able to get in it. My main concern right now is keeping raccoons out, because they might be...
  11. horstuff

    Square paving stones as digging barrier

    If I dig about 2 inches deep 24 inches wide all the way around the perimeter of my chain link run, and then put two 12 x 12 1.5 inch thick paving stones end to end for a total of 24 inches of stone, and then cover it with the sod I took out, would that prevent weasels and raccoons from digging...
  12. horstuff

    Okay to have wood plank floor in run ( not coop)?

    I have a 10 x 10 chain link kennel for their run, with an enclosed wood coop inside. I need to prevent predators from digging under the perimeter of the run, so am thinking of a 2 x10 plank floor (not pressure treated) covering the entire floor area. I know they will only last a couple years...
  13. horstuff

    Would a weasel rip open the intestinal area but leave the head?

    Thanks. What are the smallest openings raccoons and possums can get through, and can they rip apart chicken wire?
  14. horstuff

    Would a weasel rip open the intestinal area but leave the head?

    Two hens were killed by something, don't know what. I've heard that weasels always take the head or open the neck, and don't open the guts. Is that true? If so, then it must have been a raccoon, but he had to climb a 6 foot chain link wall and squeeze through an opening between the shade cover...
  15. horstuff

    Two hens dead, torn up, no sign of invader

    It should read no indications of a BREACH in the run, typo.
  16. horstuff

    Two hens dead, torn up, no sign of invader

    This morning I found two of my 5 hens mangled, the other three seem fine. There were feathers all over from them ( they were black sexlinks, large) along with feathers from the sole barred rock (also a large chicken). There are NO indications of a breah in the run... It's a 10 x 10 chain link...
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