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  1. tielsandchooks

    Whole Corn Vs Cracked Corn, What do you use?

    Well dear me Chris09, there are so many things wrong with your rebuttal as well: 1. For one thing, chickens are NOT quite different from other members of the avian world. Their physiology is exactly the same. Poultry scientists however, have been doing their best for years to create a...
  2. tielsandchooks

    Whole Corn Vs Cracked Corn, What do you use?

    Well Chris09, I consulted an avian physiologist on this one-- the concept and my theory that perhaps the prolonged working of the gizzard at night on whole hard corn would help produce body heat. What he informed me was that chickens and all birds use internal shivering (muscle contractions) to...
  3. tielsandchooks

    Whole Corn Vs Cracked Corn, What do you use?

    True, a chicken has a crop but that is only where food is stored temporarily. The muscular walls of their gizzard (with the help of grit) is where food is broken down to be later digested in the stomach. Metabolism is what produces heat in a chicken, and metabolism is the sum of the chemical...
  4. tielsandchooks

    Whole Corn Vs Cracked Corn, What do you use?

    I too feed whole corn to my chickens in fall and winter because that is what they want. Chickens are actually very particular about what they eat if they are given a choice. My chickens are given a wide variety of foods to choose from, and during the cold weather,whole corn (not cracked) is...
  5. tielsandchooks

    Whole Corn Vs Cracked Corn, What do you use?

    I have always let my chickens decide for themselves what is good for them, and my flock will just NOT eat or eat very little chicken mash or crumbles or pellets. Their main diet is finch seed (a very small millet mix) and a scratch consisting of hulled sunflower, cracked corn and milo. In...
  6. tielsandchooks

    Aviary For Quail

    I converted a 12 foot by 24 foot greenhouse into an aviary. It is insulated and heated with a wood stove (I live in northern maine). It is home to 16 cockatiels, 12 parakeets and about thirty button quail, and one crippled rooster. Everybody gets along fine. The button quail raise their own...
  7. tielsandchooks

    best feed for king quail(button quail)

    I feed my button quail lots of things! Their main food is a premium finch seed mixed with game bird crumbles and dried mealworms. They also love oooked egg and greens of all kinds. They go nuts over earthworms. I put clumps of sod in their aviary and they spend hours tearing it apart. They...
  8. tielsandchooks

    Mash, Pellets or Crumbles? Poll!

    I prefer whole grains. I feed my chickens a combination of whole corn, cracked corn, hulled sunflower seed and a wild bird seed mix. Their absolute favorite is premium finch seed which I feed in a separate bowl. They also get sprouted wheat and are free range at least 8 months a year. I have...
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