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  1. wrangler

    De-worming chickens.

    I don't think Granny ever used a wormer besides herbs and things she already had. Wish she were here or I hadn't been so young and would have remembered more...But with what I've learned from her I've kept healthy flocks for years with very little chemical intrusion and they lay through the...
  2. wrangler

    De-worming chickens.

    That helps somewhat as I am familiar with rotating worming solutions with horses (although I don't worm as frequently as recommended to do my part in preventing resistance to wormers). So far my chickens get wormed about once a year since they are free ranged on a large area and kept in a large...
  3. wrangler

    De-worming chickens.

    Ahhhhh!!! So confused! Wazine or no Wazine before Valbazen? I have about 85 chickens I raised and are around 8 months old. They were laying and have slacked off considerably and looking a little pale and rough so I am doing my fall cleaning of the coop and dusting and worming. They free...
  4. wrangler

    Scaly Face Mite

    I have one with matted eyes and scaly looking face, as well. Do you know the dosage for the Ivermectin?
  5. wrangler

    Large Flock

    This is my first post. Was looking for information on worming a large flock when I found this thread. I have about 85 hens in all. I had 15 RIR hens and ordered 50 RIR chicks (now about 7 mos old) and traded a couple of hens for 20 Black sex links and recently added a dozen EE. Luckily this...
  6. Default


  7. wrangler

    Worming- when do you do it?

    Chris, how do you use the Ivomec? Do you dose individuals or pour it on? Just curious. jo
  8. wrangler

    Worming- when do you do it?

    I didn't realize it was an individual oral dosing either. I figured you would put it in feed or water but then some would get more and others less and you really couldn't be sure if it was effective. Thanks, everyone, for the info...Off to pick up the wormer...the hard part will be convincing...
  9. wrangler

    Worming- when do you do it?

    Just found a worm in some poo and was wondering the same thing. Mine free range and I've never given it much thought until seeing one. Looks like you are talking about worming birds one at a time though. How would you worm an entire flock? I have about 45 birds and am trying to figure out...
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