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  1. Chickenteacher

    Buff Sussex

    I was cruising around and found a picture of one and ... well... you know how that goes..... Does anyone know who breeds them? Or who has eggs? or anything about them?
  2. Chickenteacher

    Trying out a new "summer nest"

    We were having moisture and ant issues in our laying we removed the sheathing intending to replace it and stumbled upon this allows air circulation as well as seeing who is in there.....what they're up to......and if I need to open the box and remove far, so...
  3. Chickenteacher

    Pipping and waiting....

    I have 13 eggs in the bator in my classroom....7 pipped today but not much else has happened.....getting a little concerned as time goes by....we hear a cheep now and then...some movement...but no real zipping action.... I'm watching from home but still not much...
  4. Chickenteacher

    webcam action tomorrow

    We're hatching eggs in my class....due tomorrow!
  5. Chickenteacher

    Louisiana checking in....

    Hi all....I am returning to BYC after a hiatus... (1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? We have about 25 chickens right now but have had chickens for about 6 years now. I grew up around them and decided my children should know about them as well. (2) How many...
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