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  1. debtrag

    Holding their own with Cats?

    Chicks are guarded here until they are about 1/4 - 1/2 half the size of the cat if they have momma/pappa present and guarding them. If no momma/pappa, they are guarded here until they are juvenile/adult and have developed an attitude. My cats sit in the pens and pick off some of the birds that...
  2. debtrag

    Hello from Indiana, PA

    Excuse the typo, one handed typing due to shoulder surgery.
  3. debtrag

    Hello from Indiana, PA

    Indiana State now, but gtaduated from IUP in 86, knew alot of locals very well. Beautiful area and lots to do. Deb
  4. debtrag

    What Was Your WORST Mother's Day Ever?

    Thank you sharing this heartbreaking account of your experience. I have been picking my neighbors (farmers) brains about breeding cattle and the one thing that I can relate to is this, the insistance that you cut back on feed when a heifer is in the last month or two before birthing, otherwise...
  5. debtrag

    just wanted to see what you all do about cats

    I agree a cat won't bother a full sized chicken. We have 13+ feral and tame cats and they have never bothered my chickens, they even sleep in the chicken layer boxes at times. They keep the mice and rat population in control. Now for chicks, I wouldn't trust them (the cats) at all. You need...
  6. debtrag

    HELP! Week-old chicks slowly dying

    I always use a large dog crate when I have new chicks. The groove around the bottom allows for drainage and the metal grate door allows for ventilation/cooler areas for them to move to. heat lamp goes in back. It found that many times I would check them and after a couple days the chicks would...
  7. debtrag

    A ? for practicing Catholics (not a debate!)

    Quote: I was baptized Catholic and had catholic grandparents. As I child I went to church with them. As a teen I went to church with a catholic friend. We NEVER wore head coverings and I am 47 now. I also went to a Catholic school through 5th grade and my parents are Catholic. No one ever...
  8. debtrag

    Janie is Hurting, Advice?

    You may still want to look into steroid injections. My sisters jack russell was a jumper, she did hours and hours of catching a tennis ball in the air over many years, which eventually fractured a disc in her back. My sister opted for steroid injections and crating to cut her activity, over...
  9. debtrag

    Egg refrigerator outside - will cold temps kill it?

    I don't know about "killing" it but I do know that self-defrosting appliances do not work well in real cold temperatures. Self-defrosting refrigerators cool the fridge area from the flow over from the freezer. If the freezer does not run because of the temp, the fridge does not cool. On the...
  10. debtrag

    Cat attacked by chicken house - coyote?? "predator" id on pg 3

    Quote: I think I would lean more toward coyote attack. I recently nursed an abandoned large siamese mix back to health after what my vet said was a coyote attack. She had no bites around her neck or head, only a very large hole (2") beside her anus along with a couple teeth marks in the...
  11. debtrag

    Help Now Pls!!!

    If you want to keep the chick alive, touching the guts shouldn't be a big deal. The poop is on the inside, not on the outside of the guts, just wash your hands after you are done doing what needs to be done.
  12. debtrag

    Game Birds (got a couple questions)

    JS gamefowl is pretty correct, and it is necessary for more aggressive breeds. But none of my pens had the barriers around the bottom while my American game cock free ranged, he definitely did chase OEGB's at times through the wire. But about 90% of the time he didn't worry about them until they...
  13. debtrag

    Duck acting funny, help!

    Post a little more info, breed, age, feed, whether she has been wormed or not, pened or free range, etc. try to include all observed info. Hopefully someone can give some advice. Deb
  14. debtrag

    RIR walking and squating at 11:30 pm. Vent red and wet looking...Help

    Went out about an hour ago and my RIR was by herself standing on the other side of the pen. I watched her for a few minutes and she would walk a couple steps, squat and raise her wings, like she was trying to push something out. I picked her up and gently felt for an egg. None felt. I turned...
  15. debtrag

    Best flooring for run..

    Look in your yellow pages for Gravel/Stone Companies. We have IMI (Irving Materials), Stoney Creek, and Martin Marietta, along with some smaller stone hauling companies. They haul by the dump truck (10 ton) or triaxle (20 ton). I think we got 8 ton last fall and it was somewhere around...
  16. debtrag

    Troubles at our Tractor Supply Company!

    I bought my chicks (37) from Rural King in Feb 2009. Other than the roosters that we culled only 1 has died and that was 2 months ago. I stop in from time to time and have filled the waterers b/c they had quite a bit of shavings in them but have never seen any sick or weak chicks, all looked...
  17. debtrag

    1 yr old golden comets - blood dripping from vent. Help!!!

    Dusted them today. Not much fun trying to get a chicken in a feed bag for the shaking. Had to use Wonder Dust on 3 who had open wounds above the vent. Applied blue dressing, similiar to blucoat, purple liquid with a dauber on 4 more. Hoping for the best, one that I used Wonder Dust on was...
  18. debtrag

    Pine Tar?

    My dad is eighty years old and he said his mom used pine tar on the chickens when they had injuries. I tried it around the vent area, it seemed to work on a couple that weren't bleeding too bad. One suggestion is that to make sure it is room temperature when you use it. That way it is a...
  19. debtrag

    1 yr old golden comets - blood dripping from vent. Help!!!

    I can't positively rule out rats but the chickens are in a coop on roosts 4' off the ground slick sidewalls so nothing could climb up and they roost side by side. I think the cuts/scratches are where the other chickens have scored flesh when pecking them on the run. I noticed a couple of my...
  20. debtrag

    1 yr old golden comets - blood dripping from vent. Help!!!

    The roo that is in with them is bleeding too. While they were all on the roosts tonight I was able to check different ones to see what the vent area looked like. Here is what I found around the vent areas: Some were perfectly feathered no indication of blood or missing feathers. Some had no...
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