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  1. NJbirdlover

    What are your Chickies names?! ALSO,what IS this LIGHT YELLOW ONE?!!

    Mabel - (BR) Millie- (BR) Buffy - (BO) Weasy - (BO) Opal, (BA) Fuzz Butt - (EE) Clucks - (EE) Penny- (RIR) Loud Mouth - (RIR) Julliet - (SS)
  2. NJbirdlover

    Speckled Sussex

    SS have very good chickenalities IMO We started with 2 ss chicks-male & female and both were calm & friendly. "Julliets" eggs are on the medium size but she lays regularly. Here is our roo Romeo in his younger days- click to enlarge
  3. NJbirdlover

    Run Question (poo question)

    Quote: we just used regular ole' sand from our local lumber store, they delivered it to us...same sand we used under our pool
  4. NJbirdlover

    Run Question (poo question)

    I rake up grass clippings in the summer everytime we mow. I put it in the middle of the run in a huge pile...It's like Christmas morning for them. Winter was muddy until I added some sand. Works very well for us!
  5. NJbirdlover

    Opinions on this coop please.

    You want roosts higher than egg boxes or they will get nice and cozy in them at night instead of being on their roosts.
  6. NJbirdlover

    GRRR it's driving me bonkers!!!

    I think most runs start out grass...doesn't last long though!
  7. NJbirdlover

    Pine Shavings as Flooring and Cost?

    I use pine shavings in the deep litter method. Works great for us-I completely clean out the coop in the spring and fall. I use 3 bales initially and will add an other 1 or 2 in the summer. I do put down stall dry under the chips and will sprinkle in DE occasionally. Clean coop= healthy birds.
  8. NJbirdlover

    What is your Favorite Bird Washing Technique & Wash Product?

    *BUMP* I dont have silkies but some of my hens have some nastiness going on "behind" them, would like to get them cleaned up for spring
  9. NJbirdlover

    OMG ! look at what i found! {pic!]UPDATE

    I vote for coyote...or some kind of dog.
  10. NJbirdlover

    Listless Chicks *update - RIP Lucy & Noname *

    Check your temperature- Too warm could cause them to be a little listless.
  11. NJbirdlover

    Can i use shredded paper

    I used it in my brooder. Chicks never seemed to eat it but it became very damp in a very short amount of time. Although economical, I wouldn't use it again.
  12. NJbirdlover

    Muddy mess....straw, pine, sand?....HELP(DUPLICATE)

    Hello fellow chicken lovers- My run is a muddy mess! What is normally a well drained rock hard run is now (after 50" of snow) a sloppy, muddy, smelly mess! I need to dry it out somehow but need to do it the most economical way possible. I could use straw just to give them something to walk on...
  13. NJbirdlover

    Muddy mess....straw, pine, sand?....HELP

    Hello fellow chicken lovers- My run is a muddy mess! What is normally a well drained rock hard run is now (after 50" of snow) a sloppy, muddy, smelly mess! I need to dry it out somehow but need to do it the most economical way possible. I could use straw just to give them something to walk on...
  14. NJbirdlover

    Feeding hens cooked eggs?

    Not only do mine love eggs, they love cooked chicken too!
  15. NJbirdlover

    Rooster getting with Pullets

    I just means that he is maturing. "Romeo" our rooster started living up to his name way before my hens started laying. However, at 19 weeks old it may not be too long before you get an egg or two. - but not because of your rooster, just because they are maturing as well.
  16. NJbirdlover

    what do yo feed your chickens to snack on

    Mine went CRAZY over the turkey carcass from Thanksgiving and LOVE what's left on a t-bone! I also give warm oatmeal on cold mornings.
  17. NJbirdlover

    Layena® SunFresh® Recipe

    My flocks likes ADM Pen Pals over Purina - more eggs on the ADM also.
  18. NJbirdlover

    cold weather

    pop door is open in the day, closed at night
  19. NJbirdlover

    Bald eagles & hawks EVERYWHERE!!

    This is the first fall (as in the season) as a chicken owner and I don't think I have ever seen this many red tailed hawks and especially bald eagles around! My flock doesn't free range unless I am out with them and their coop is sealed and has a covering on top so I know they are ok. Is this...
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