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  1. airport ranch

    Help- Port Charlotte Florida

    Just curious...Last year we picked up some chicks from someone in Port Charlotte... these chicks were in baby swimming pools inside the house, but outside she had a TON of chickens roaming around. One of the Facebook groups I belong to had someone else in Port Charlotte selling chicks right...
  2. airport ranch

    Welp Hatchery?

    I thought I read that everything but their broilers came from "other suppliers"; I would be interested to know what hatcheries they come from :-)
  3. airport ranch

    Does anyone else Free Range?

    We only have five acres, but our chickens had the run of it all during the day; we lost two to a bobcat... then all of a sudden one day they decided to sneak through a hole in the fence and two MORE got snatched by something at the same time - no clue what it was that time... since then we...
  4. airport ranch

    post your chicken coop pictures here!

    Just finished this coop modeled after The Palace coop found here on BYC... I am very happy with it!
  5. Coop floor*

    Coop floor*

  6. Siding on the coop area up*

    Siding on the coop area up*

  7. More framing*

    More framing*

  8. Getting started with the framing*

    Getting started with the framing*

  9. Another framing shot*

    Another framing shot*

  10. Room base done*

    Room base done*

  11. Happy girls*

    Happy girls*

  12. Fir strips on the inside*

    Fir strips on the inside*

  13. The "colourful" ramp :-)*

    The "colourful" ramp :-)*

  14. Getting ready to hang the door*

    Getting ready to hang the door*

  15. Another shot inside*

    Another shot inside*

  16. Outside fir strips going up*

    Outside fir strips going up*

  17. Done! *

    Done! *

  18. We used whatever scrap we could find for the ramp - it will get painted eventually...  waterer and feeder easily accessible.*

    We used whatever scrap we could find for the ramp - it will get painted eventually... waterer and feeder easily accessible.*

  19. Siding on the coop area*

    Siding on the coop area*

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