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  1. trueblue1

    Backyard Brahmas!!

    My honeys enjoying a bit of watermelon cause the Mississippi spring is HOT!! These girls are just hanging out on the steps up to their run/coop...
  2. trueblue1

    post your chicken coop pictures here!

    Well we finished our bantams coop....ummm I think it maybe a bit big BUT there's plenty of roosting areas and a place for 2 nesting boxes. They seemed to like it but I miss my Littles being so close. Everything was made with repurpose wood, recycled tin (which I'm gonna paint), and hardware...
  3. trueblue1

    Brown Leghorns: Pics, Info, and Resources

    Oh sweet baby j!!!!! :ep I looked again and they all have combs!!!! No way I have 5 cockerels!!! :th Any thing else I can do to tell the difference? They all have tail feathers, a pinkish colored comb. They are 16 days old. :idunno Edited: Ok I looked again and the 2 with the most prominent...
  4. trueblue1

    Brown Leghorns: Pics, Info, and Resources

    Sadly one of my leghorns passed away...I did what I could to help it but I believe it was beyond help. Thankfully the other 5 are strong and healthy... My Question: 3 of the 5 are showing combs. Is that an indication of males? Or do males mature slower than females and those are females? I...
  5. trueblue1

    Comment by 'trueblue1' in article 'Our Journey...'

    Thank You Mountain Peeps!!!
  6. trueblue1

    I have Twin Chicks due sept 24th Please help

    I know this is an old thread but were you successful with the twins?
  7. trueblue1

    post your chicken coop pictures here!

    Our Bantam coop under construction: Today we are adding the rest of the tin, bracing up the roof, finishing the coop front wall and roost and hopefully the door for me....oh and triple chicken wire and dog wire. Everything from the wood, screws, & tin are all recycled material. Yeah gotta...
  8. trueblue1

    Our Journey...

    Hey BYC!!! I joined February 2014 and I'm so happy I did. I've learned so much from all the wonderful people around the world. My husband and I had been tinkering with the idea of getting some chickens but never really went through with it until Feb. 22, 2014 when we visited our local TSC to...
  9. trueblue1

    post your chicken coop pictures here!

    My husband got a bunch of lumber in an auction a month ago, in the lumber was pecky Cyprus logs. So he cut them down, is sizing it so he can make my 6 Banty a coop/run. I'm excited!!!! I know its going to be 6 foot tall so I can go inside (I'm 5'8"). Pictures soon to come.
  10. trueblue1

    post your chicken coop pictures here!

    I I love this!!! What's the dimensions? I have 6 Banty chicks who will be going to the coop/run soon.
  11. trueblue1

    Backyard Brahmas!!

    My main man Kurt Crowbain.... I don't know if he was having a bad day or ate a bad bug but he was just lazy yesterday. He would walk around with his choice girls, eat this & that, then lie down. He was super docile. When he usually struts around. I checked for mites, pasty booty, and really a...
  12. trueblue1

    Backyard Brahmas!!

    That's so awesome to hear!!!! :D
  13. trueblue1

    Backyard Brahmas!!

    Oh I would have loved seen that!!! :D too funny!!!
  14. trueblue1

    Backyard Brahmas!!

    I love seeing y'all's descriptions of your Brahmas running..... mine do this thing where one jumps up in the air then it's like the domino effect when the others follow suit...we call it popcorn chicken. :D
  15. trueblue1

    post your chicken coop pictures here!

    We use mini pine nugget mulch. It's has been easy for us to clean, we sift for poo & feathers, and then do kinda like a rake and fluff. It's all natural so their feet don't change colors. It's soft enough for them to lay on as well. We will change out the mulch every month. The cost is about...
  16. trueblue1

    post your chicken coop pictures here!

    Thanks :D We are adding external stairs right now.
  17. trueblue1

    Backyard Brahmas!!

    Am I the only who gets a kick outta watching brahmas run?!?! :gig My honeys absolutely tickle me to death. :weee Most of them duck real low and take off like a torpedo and a few kinda do this fast waddle walk. It's a beautiful morning here in French Camp, MS watching my honeys do their...
  18. trueblue1

    Are you good at identifying Bantams??

    I appreciate your guesses. That's a new name for Charlie. I'll do some research. Thank you. :D
  19. trueblue1

    Brown Leghorns: Pics, Info, and Resources

    Chicken Math has struck us for the last time this season :ep February we started our flock with 12-3 day old buff brahmas, next in March 6-3 day old banties, then the beginning of April 6-5 day old red sex links, and now 6-3 day old brown leghorns.... :idunno oh yeah we've lost our minds...
  20. trueblue1

    Australorps breed Thread

    This is my 8 week old bantam Charlie...could she be a austalorp bantam?
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