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  1. Faybeau

    Sudden chicken death

    So distressing! I have a friend who lost her favorite hen (3 years old) to SDS. She had her vet do a 'post-mortem'; the conclusion was, the hen died of suffocation due to an infestation of type of worm (Gapeworms) which invade the windpipe. The vet provided her with medication to treat her...
  2. Faybeau

    Recalcitrant Behavior! Death Wish!!

    They have the Taj Mahal of chicken coops; large, dry, well ventilated and cleaned daily. I've not noticed any out-of-the-usual Hen Aggression, although one of the older chickens IS pretty bossy with the flock, in general. Today, they are all hanging out per usual in the garden. This morning, I...
  3. Faybeau

    Recalcitrant Behavior! Death Wish!!

    Last night, our rooster (6 months old) decided that he was NOT going to join The Ladies in the coop-yard at dusk! He remained in the garden and continued to cluck-cluck-cluck loudly, calling to our 15 hens to ‘return’ to him. Remaining unfazed by offers of scratch & avoiding being corralled...
  4. Faybeau

    my dark brama roo holding his foot up

    It is my understanding that Tail Feathers are the very LAST feathers to fall-out in a molt; consequently, other feather loss should have been obvious since around the first of September, since a molt can take up to 3 months to complete (according to my Chicken Guide). Even if the tail feather...
  5. Faybeau

    broken toe and not eating ~ any suggestions?

    Thank you so much for your thoughts & suggestions. I've moved her to my back porch to keep a close eye on her throughout today and did 'splint' her foot; she tolerated my working on it surprisingly well! Still no interest in food or water so I am going to find an eyedropper and give it a try...
  6. Faybeau

    broken toe and not eating ~ any suggestions?

    Yesterday, one of our sweetest chickens, Margaret, seems to have caught her largest toe in something (?) and has apparently broken it at the base joint; her toe is swollen and she can't use it. There is a wound at the base of the toe where she most likely caught the toe. We've soaked her foot...
  7. Faybeau

    A Pretend-Egg-Laying Chicken ~ Unusual?

    This is SO reassuring that my hen isn't alone in her strange behavior. Perhaps I should consider myself fortunate that I only have the ONE that is going through this! LOL~~~ I can relate to your description of your Bottom of the Pecking Order Hen and how Jumpy she is (poor thing). I have TWO...
  8. Faybeau

    A Pretend-Egg-Laying Chicken ~ Unusual?

    Perhaps she does have a 'hormone' issue, but one would think she would act accordingly and stop the Faux-Egg-Laying-Cackling Behavior if her hormones are 'off' .... ? Certainly, as one other contributor said, she is "a funny girl". Hard to figure out; no easy answers! I'm interested to see if...
  9. Faybeau

    A Pretend-Egg-Laying Chicken ~ Unusual?

    It is helpful to know that someone else is having a similar experience with TWO chickens that pretend to lay eggs. How long has this Behaviour been going on? Our Buff has been playing this game for 4 months without a single egg produced in that time. I've come to the conclusion she is a DUD...
  10. Faybeau

    A Pretend-Egg-Laying Chicken ~ Unusual?

    I don't believe she is egg bound or she would have had symptoms and most likely be DEAD by now :-) .... Other than pretending to lay an egg once a day, she is otherwise very happy and healthy. Thank you for the thought .... If she seemed listless or somehow seemed unwell, I'd take her to our...
  11. Faybeau

    A Pretend-Egg-Laying Chicken ~ Unusual?

    Thank you for your thoughts; even if she never lays an egg, I suspect that she will go back to intense Brooding Behaviour again in the Spring. Right now, she isn't trying to sit on other chickens eggs, as she had been early in the season. Just so odd that she insists on The Behavior of going...
  12. Faybeau

    A Pretend-Egg-Laying Chicken ~ Unusual?

    We have a large, gentle Buff Orpington Chicken (about 9 pounds) that is 1.5 years old. Her strange behavior: she regularly climbs into one of the nesting boxes, 'sits' intently for an hour, gets off the nest and makes a Huge Fuss as though she has laid the biggest egg ever! NEVER is there an egg...
  13. Faybeau

    Sudden chicken death

    norhing new to report .... none of our other chickens died or have had any health issues! All I can think of is the Sudden Death of our Buff was an anomoly. I did put all the other chickens on Lock-Down, just to be sure they hadn't been exposed to a poison plant or had some strange illness...
  14. Faybeau

    Sudden chicken death

    Just had a similar experience with one of 6 chickens (now down to 5). All appeared to be totally healthy and happy when they went in to roost. In the morning, when I went to let them loose, one of my Buff’s appeared to have just fallen DEAD off the roost during the night; no symptoms, no issues...
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