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  1. kouros

    I think I found a miracle cure for feather picking

    It seems after seeing all the posts that we have several categories... 1.Feather pickers that are habitual and should be culled or permanently kept apart from the rest of the flock. 2. Feather pickers that pick because of space allocation, too cramped/stressed. 3. Feather pickers that pick based...
  2. kouros

    I think I found a miracle cure for feather picking

    Hi, It will be interesting to see how it goes. i know mine started picking around Feb. This summer the pickers started to pick on another. Not pulling out just breaking the feathers mid shaft. I scrambled some eggs and fed them a little extra protien for three days ,picking stopped, for...
  3. kouros

    I think I found a miracle cure for feather picking

    I had a similar issue with two of my birds. I also purchased the clips from someone in Australia. I didn't use them. I gave them extra protein in the form or cooked chicken or scramble eggs. I removed them from the population for 1 week fed them protein ,It took a week but the behavior stopped...
  4. kouros

    Blue Australorp breeder (on very small scale) all the way from Western Australia

    Good afternoon!! I love my Aussy girls I have two and they are by far my favorites, Emmy and Flower. I have had chickens now for 1 year, a total of 6 and love it!! I am building a greenhouse for them in the winter so if we get 5' of snow again they can still get out and run around. During the...
  5. kouros

    *Help Please* bumblefoot much worse!! (graphic pic)

    Hi , I live in Ct. There is a vet in Bolton that specialize in chickens!! Bolton Vet clinic in Bolton they also have emergency staff on weekend. I think they might have two Dr.s that are chicken specialist. Good luck !!
  6. kouros

    Australorps Breeding for SOP and Exhibition Thread

    Hi all, I too am looking for a breeder. I live in New England, Ct. I travel down to Va. often to see parents and sister. Anyone out there that would like to sell a pullet or two...:) Perhaps the gentleman from Australia might trust me with some of his eggs if we can figure a way to get them...
  7. kouros

    Australorps Breeding for SOP and Exhibition Thread

    Hi Turk, So difficult trying to find some girls to add to my flock.....Maybe I should start breeding....hmmmmmmmm food for thought! Thanks for the reply.. Have a great weekend. enjoy the sunshine!! Helen
  8. kouros

    Black Australorp Breeders

    Good Morning, Just love your Roo!! He is something else. I live in Ct. and have 6 girls , 2 Partrige Cochin, 1 Lace Wing Cochin, 2 Ausses,Flower and Emmy, 1 Americana . I have found that I love the BA's!! I am looking for 2-3 more for the flock.......Do you have any for sale? Thank you...
  9. kouros

    Please help with diagnosing these poorly chickens. **pics and story included**

    I had the same problem this winter......Same feather pecking pattern. It was a combination of boardom but mostly DIET. I did a lot of reading and found a common thread in all of them was a lack of protein. I fed them scrambled eggs, left over chicken,steak scraps etc. The problem went away...
  10. kouros

    Australorps Breeding for SOP and Exhibition Thread

    Hi Folks, I have 6 girls, 2 Partridge Cochin, 1 golden lace wing Cochin, 2 Australorps, 1 Americana. I love my Australorps and would love to have more. The girls I have now came from a friend that got 100 or so all mixed breeds and sold them when they were 8 weeks old. Didn't know much about...
  11. kouros

    I think I found a miracle cure for feather picking

    Hi I cook about two eggs , scramble or 1/2 a chicken breast cut into 1/4 inch pieces and feed to 6 chickens. The girls are still doing great and no picking. My Murphy, the one getting picked on this winter still has no feathers on her back end. The other chickens ,even Honey, ignore the red...
  12. kouros

    I think I found a miracle cure for feather picking

    I know.... it would be so simple if we only had a test. If they could only talk!! :) I had two out of the flock that were picking and eating the feathers. Picking is one thing and eating is another,so I wondered why the two are different. Why not just pick? I confined them both to our dog...
  13. kouros

    I think I found a miracle cure for feather picking

    Hi All, My chickens have stopped picking feathers. !! Yaa HOooo.. After doing lots and lots of research I realized that they needed more protein..I gave them a little extra in the form of scrambled eggs, cooked chicken every other day...Whaaa Laaaaaa no more picking. I stopped for a little...
  14. kouros

    I think I found a miracle cure for feather picking

    Hi all, I too have looked to find them. I have had chickens for about 8 months now.. I LOVE them !! I went away to bury my Mom last month and came back to feather pickers. One is very bad and the other is a copy cat. I have them in dog crates now but need HELP.The rest still roam fee all day...
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