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  1. Graphite91

    My first experience with coturnix quail!

    Got some better pics today! This is a pic of my eggs hatching, and the chicks at a couple days, and now at two weeks. Notice my little runt Midget, he/she is half the size of the others, and hatched a day late. This is the hutch, girls on top, the two roos are in the bottom...
  2. Graphite91

    My first experience with coturnix quail!

    Apparently my hens are feeling better, because I found FIVE eggs today. One was buried in the sand box, so I think it was from yesterday, but the other four were on top. I only have three laying hens in there... can cots lay more than one egg a day? And the babies got their first dust bath...
  3. Graphite91

    My first experience with coturnix quail!

    Well, yesterday one of my roos attacked two of my hens. One had a slightly swollen eye, and the other had a hole pecked in the side of her face that I could see muscle through, and her eyelid was torn too. Luckily their eyeballs are ok, but the one looks like the phantom of the opera right now...
  4. Graphite91

    Reasons they stopped laying?

    I know they should get more protein than that, like 24%-30%, with 24% being the lowest. I don't know how much low protein diets affect egg laying though, so maybe someone else will chime in.
  5. Graphite91

    My first experience with coturnix quail!

    Two more eggs today! Woohoo at this rate I can have breakfast by next week lol!
  6. Graphite91

    Day 17 no peeps eggs not moving.

    Have you had any problems with incubation? Like temp spikes or super low/high humidity? Did you turn the eggs at least three times a day and stop at day 14? Did you raise humidity at lockdown? Have you been opening the incubator a lot since lockdown? If all that stuff is ok, then the only...
  7. Graphite91

    My first experience with coturnix quail!

    The extra roo in my adult group started crowing a lot and chasing Ryuu (My main roo) around. So now he is in the bottom level of the hutch by himself lol. The little jerk is such a spaz... He flips out whenever we walk by and crows all the time. My DH has named him "Little Pecker" . That was...
  8. Graphite91

    My first experience with coturnix quail!

    This was my first hatch ever! I'm planning on revamping my incubator and doing some button quail for a friend next.
  9. Graphite91

    My first experience with coturnix quail!

    Well, in happier news, my eight little chicks are doing great. They eat and sleep and POOP like crazy!!! >< I have one gorgeous yellow and black tuxedo chick who is just the biggest crybaby ever. I put a stuffed dog in there and they snuggle it and sleep under it and it keeps them quiet! It's so...
  10. Graphite91

    Rescued Quail: ID and help?

    Looks like a male coturnix quail to me! He looks a bit frazzled to me. How is he acting? Make sure he has water and try to get him a small bag of unmedicated game bird crumble feed with 24% to 30% protein. Are you planning on keeping him? He's a cutie!
  11. Graphite91

    My first experience with coturnix quail!

    The little chick who had wry neck wasn't getting better at all. If anything, she was deteriorating. She wouldn't open her eyes and seemed to be struggling to breathe. She would wave her head side to side really fast and flip over and over. She had to be constantly restrained. ...I culled her...
  12. Graphite91

    My first experience with coturnix quail!

    Ok, I already have her in an empty duck-tape roll (the cardboard tube part) lined with paper towels in the incubator, it keeps her from freaking out and rolling all over the place. Her legs seem fine except for the kicking. I have been giving her water and electrolytes/B vitamin complex with a...
  13. Graphite91

    My first experience with coturnix quail!

    I really want to try and help her if I can. What do you recommend?
  14. Graphite91

    My first experience with coturnix quail!

    Well, I'm getting really depressed. The little stargazer chick that I assisted out of her egg is really messed up. She is in the incubator with the lid cracked now, I padded it with paper towels. She just can't stand at all, she tries, but then her head starts waving side to side and she rears...
  15. Graphite91


    Anyone have any button quails for sale in CO? I only want a sexed pair, so I don't want to order a bunch of eggs... Any help is appreciated!!!!
  16. Graphite91

    My first experience with coturnix quail!

    lol thanks.
  17. Graphite91

    My first experience with coturnix quail!

    No but I will run out and grab some today. I thought I had some at home so I didn't get any at the store yesterday! ><
  18. Graphite91

    My first experience with coturnix quail!

    I compared the ingredients in the poly-vi-sol with the B vitamin complex that I bought, and they were almost the same, but the b-vitamin complex was way cheaper, lol. So far the baby's biggest problem is she pushes with her feet when she is on her belly until she flips over backwards onto her...
  19. Graphite91

    My first experience with coturnix quail!

    I bought some B vitamin complex tablets and crushed a little piece of one and mixed it with a little unflavored pedialyte. Gave the stargazer a few drops and put some in the water for the rest of them. Hopefully with some treatment and babying he/she will pull through.
  20. Graphite91

    My first experience with coturnix quail!

    His umbilical/navel area? It's healed now, just a little bald. Or did you mean his legs?
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