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  1. Icedangel11

    WEIRD colored eggs..

    I wonder if they sell those. XD I kind've want to hatch these weird eggs to hopefully get more hens that lay the weird eggs.
  2. Icedangel11

    WEIRD colored eggs..

    Not your average 'split' egg..From ultra spotty eggs to these swirl eggs. This particular hen tends to always lay these 'swirl' eggs. Also the spot in the white part? Was on the top of the egg. So it wasn't a spot on the ground. I have some eggs with legitimate swirls on them. But yeah...
  3. Icedangel11

    Can she be saved, or is it too late?

    Oh dear, poor thing passed away as I typed.
  4. Icedangel11

    Can she be saved, or is it too late?

    I discovered one of my chicks was very, very thing, and covered in mites. Barely eating but standing. I used 7 dust on her, gave her a little honey and food to eat, set her in the coop. She's laying down down, eye's closed. Picked her up and her head is trying to curl backwards. This happened...
  5. Icedangel11

    Chickens face smells like a dirty coop?

    Yeah, it's a weird thing. Due to some unfortunate events I had to move my chickens from a perfect coop into a shed for a while. The shed got dusty REALLY quickly, the chickens developed sneezes. I treated with Terramycin (spelling?) and wormed them for health. They had no reduction in symptoms...
  6. Icedangel11

    3 week old chicks Neck feathers PLUCKED

    Your writings very fine. :) Due to finances I could only afford a 10 pound bag, as opposed to my normal 50 pounds, it was by the same maker, though. She got very depressed, stopped eating after a few hours. I put a sibling in with her, to keep her company but she stayed silent and huddled...
  7. Icedangel11

    3 week old chicks Neck feathers PLUCKED

    So she is unhappy with the change of food I've given her.. I've switched her to chick starter (was on grower) because I felt the higher protein would help her feathers come in. She's flicking it everywhere in protest. :T
  8. Icedangel11

    3 week old chicks Neck feathers PLUCKED

    Well, she's eating just fine and the redness has gone down a LOT. I think it was one of my older pullets (just hitting 5 weeks old) who did it. They like to chase the chicks around, and without food I think they might've tried to eat one. It could've also been a newish Banty rooster, but...
  9. Icedangel11

    3 week old chicks Neck feathers PLUCKED

    I have a young chick, two maybe three weeks. I was late in putting out the food this morning and I think someone tried to eat her. Her neck is missing most of her feathers, theres a little blood but it's VERY red. I'd post pictures but I don't have a camera right now. It looks like a Naked...
  10. Icedangel11

    Will a new Rooster kill chicks?

    My chickens are all free range and I have a mother hen parenting 16 baby chicks. They are about two weeks now. She's not top dog,I think there is one hen above her, but she does a good job. So far she's only lost one chick and that was because it got out of the 'chick pen' through a tiny crack...
  11. Icedangel11

    Fishy eggs?

    I'm not sure what's causing this, but I have a 'fishy' taste to my eggs. My hens Free range all day long, but also get free access to crumble food. Currently they are eating Dumor Grower/Finisher...
  12. Icedangel11

    Drake trying to breed with hens?

    So he's best off as a duck dinner? I can't see anyone with ducks wanting a drake that won't breed duck hens.. And he's not tame enough to be a pet.. :( I feel bad now, I didn't know he'd wind up like that when I put him in with the chicks.
  13. Icedangel11

    Drake trying to breed with hens?

    A while ago I bought 6 chicks and a duckling. Now they are about 5 months old and the drakes taking an interest to the ladies.. By trying to mate with my hens. He's gentle about it, but it could still kill them. I have female ducks in a pond a little whiles away (it's the neighbor's pond, but...
  14. Icedangel11

    Crop problems? Or just paranoid?

    Good news! I checked the hen and all chickens are breathing normally! Woot woot! What other symptoms should I look for besides 'funky smelling vomit' for sour crop?
  15. Icedangel11

    Crop problems? Or just paranoid?

    I gave her some water, nope.. She's breathing, it just sounds gurgled. It's Gurgle gurgle smack smack smack as she tries to swallow it. She CAN swallow water normally, though. I really hope I don't lose her.. She's my best hen. :( One Super large egg every day, rain or shine. I'll feel...
  16. Icedangel11

    Crop problems? Or just paranoid?

    Oh dear.. The hen that threw up thick vomit inhaled some of it. Now she's gasping a bit. How do I get it out of her? :(
  17. Icedangel11

    Crop problems? Or just paranoid?

    I recently had to cull a chicken. After dealing with mites she'd somehow managed to develop some sort of sickness that left her mouth full of slime and bits of blood. I thought it might've been pneumonia or something. But the poor girl was in ragged shape and I just hatched out chicks and...
  18. Icedangel11

    When your chickens are actually tiny dinosaurs.

    Oh dear, I spoke too soon. I found the poor little thing outside. Looks like I got out of the brooder last night and probably got too cold or something. It's been around 57 in the night. The 'hole' he got out of was a teeny tiny crack.. I'm wondering if it wouldn't be smarter to put obvious...
  19. Icedangel11

    When your chickens are actually tiny dinosaurs.

    Oh dear, one of the chicks has gone missing. :( 16/17 left.. I wonder what could've gotten it? I didn't find a body anywhere...
  20. Icedangel11

    When your chickens are actually tiny dinosaurs.

    Good news, the chick I was worried about is up and walking like a pro. I also found my chickens' secret laying spot. Complete with 18 eggs. 15 of which passed the 'fresh tests'. Guess I get to eat some eggs for a while, eh?
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