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  1. klangsley

    Can a dog and chickens safely coexist in a small backyard?

    We have two border collies, who are very good with the chickens. We already had chickens when the younger dog arrived as a puppy, and she has done super well with them. The other border collie got to know our chickens as an adult, and has never been interested in doing anything with them other...
  2. klangsley

    Do chickens ever lay two eggs per day?

    This just happened to us today. For sure our chicken Mary Helen laid two eggs today . . . and yes, she is a young Barred Rock hen, hatched October 1, 2013 or thereabouts. We think that's totally amazing!
  3. klangsley

    Chickens have diarrhea ----- HELP

    The photos were SUPER helpful, thank you so much!
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