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  1. Settle4nuthin

    Keeping ducks drinking water

    they get enough water...and they are free range ducks, they have 2 swimming tubs set up. and they are healthy. I never said they were designed for ducks, but they use them and they get the water they need!
  2. Settle4nuthin

    Prevent Chicken pecking

    I have seen several ask about what they can put on their chickens to keep others from pecking at them. well I couldn't remember the name of it, but I asked my Grandfather today, (I finally remembered to ask him), he has raised chickens for nearly 60 years. he said to use pine tar on the picking...
  3. Settle4nuthin

    anyone ever use a submersible aquarium heater before in a hanging waterer bucket

    I am using 2 50Watts sub heaters this winter in a 5 gallon bucket with 4 horizontal nipples. the temp dipped down to neg 12 last week. water in bucket and nipples never froze. there was water that dripped off the nipples on the ground that was froze but the sub heaters worked flawlessly.
  4. Settle4nuthin

    messy hen...

    i tried pellets..they stopped eating all together from the containers and were just foraging free range....went back to crumble and they started eating it again. go figure
  5. Settle4nuthin

    messy hen...

    the buckets they cleaned all the way out, this is the first fill i have used this, I will let you know. I just made this 2 days ago.
  6. Settle4nuthin

    Show Me Your Feeders!!

    116 qt tub with lid $17.99, 6 elbows $3.49/ea. Zip ties to hold elbows in (I had on hand, but like $2.00 for a 50 pack). Holds around 100 pounds of layer crumble. Elbows are 1/2inch off the bottom of the tub on the inside to allow food to gravity feed. I had the bucket design that I made from...
  7. Settle4nuthin

    messy hen...

    clear plastic tub with lid $18, 6- 4" PVC elbows $3.49/ea....chickens cant get their feet inside to "rake" the food all over the place.. I had 2- 5 gal buckets setup with single elbows, but with 22 chickens i needed a better feeder. this is what I made. it holds 100 lbs of crumble layer feed.
  8. Settle4nuthin

    Frozen nipples finally working

    the nipples will work on 3/4" pipe i have a setup just like you are speaking of, but due to the cold weather I went back to my 5-gallon bucket with 4 nipples and have an aquarium heater in it. it has been down to 10 degrees so far this week and no issues with freezing. Once the weather...
  9. Settle4nuthin

    Freezing water please help

    i just put a fish aquarium heater in mine...i have a 5 gallon bucket with 4 nipples on it...the little heater i have in it keeps everything at 68 degrees. nipples are not freezing up either.
  10. Settle4nuthin

    Keeping ducks drinking water

    I dont know...but they peck the living crap out of it
  11. Settle4nuthin

    Keeping ducks drinking water

    my ducks drink from the same horizontal water nipples that my chickens drink from. i have a 40 gallon oval tub that i fill about every 2 weeks that they swim and play in.
  12. Settle4nuthin

    Hanging vs on-ground feeder & waterers?

    i have one of those white/red based waterers..i took some wire and looped it around the top of it and one loop over the top. i hung it from the inside roof of my coop. they dont waste as much by flinging it all over and they cant poop in it. I used a quit disconnect ring and a "J" hook. I...
  13. Settle4nuthin

    how deep to put wire for fencing

    i was going to do that, but thought they would just dig under that too...ill try it and see. can always bury it later i guess
  14. Settle4nuthin

    how deep to put wire for fencing

    I have a chicken coop and am getting ready to build a "run" under an overhang of a barn. I have chain link fencing i am using for that, my question is how far down into the ground do I need to put the fencing to prevent digging of predators? I was thinking of using chicken cloth laid flat. I...
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