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  • Users: jmcgee83
  • Content: Threads
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  1. jmcgee83

    sick chickens

    My serama chickens are sick. Nothing has bee n different and up until a few weeks ago I had only had chicks and young birds that I hatched myself. I brought three adult birds in and 4 young birds. One of the young birds exhibited signs of illness shortly after maybe the following morning. It was...
  2. jmcgee83

    stumped on this one

    This girl is 2 months old. She has an enlarged skull and creeper legs. She definitely has some genetic abnormalities. But she has been thriving. Recently I added a few more to the flock. All young birds like her. They've been picking on her. I noticed today she's a bit weak and has swelling...
  3. jmcgee83

    said they were welsummers

    I said no. I think they are partridge rock. I bought them anyway. I like love partridge colored birds. What do y'all think? Partridge rocks?
  4. jmcgee83

    araucana chick

    Was wondering what color this araucana chick will turn out to be? And if anyone can tell if it will be rumpless or if I'll just have to wait. Thanks!
  5. jmcgee83

    serama genders

    They are almost 5 weeks. The third picture is the only one im sure is a rooster. There are two bantam ameraucana/ serama crosses. Any help is appreciated thanks so much!
  6. jmcgee83

    boulders moved what is this?!?

    My heavy boulders have been moved around my run what is strong enough to move 10 to 15 pound boulders? They didn't get in I also have a 6 inch apron around it. But still I'm getting heavier boulders.
  7. jmcgee83

    Hi! empty nester (well sorta)

    I'm a mom of three; a ten year old, 2 year old, and new born. I've always been self sufficient. living off the land with my squirrel, deer or fish I've killed or caught and cleaned myself to feed my family. until I moved to the city. now everything we eat is bought in a store outrageously...
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