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  1. Laurie39

    12 week old peacocks

    I am trying to figure out how to post under the peafowl forum lol
  2. Laurie39

    12 week old peacocks

    Thank you!!
  3. Laurie39

    12 week old peacocks

    Can someone help me sex my baby peacocks?!?
  4. Laurie39

    12 week old peacocks

    Can someone help me sex my baby peacocks?!?
  5. Laurie39

    What breed is this?

    This chick was in a box of frizzle chicks we got at an auction. I have no clue where it came from but I do know it is def not a frizzle. Lol. I will post up more pics. Thank you.
  6. Laurie39

    What breed is this?

    Can anyone tell me what breed of chicken this is?[/IMG]
  7. Laurie39

    I really could use some sound advice....

    They are Brahmas <3
  8. Laurie39

    I really could use some sound advice....

    Sparky, my miracle chick, 1 month later!!! <3
  9. Laurie39

    Yolk coming out of the pip...

    Yeah if this chick makes it, it will be a true miracle. It hadn't done anything for 30 hours. When I started helping it, I realized he was stuck fast to the egg and his wing was stuck fast to his face. So I worked on him with warm compresses for the last 3 hours still in the shell and was able...
  10. Laurie39

    Yolk coming out of the pip...

    Thank you :-( the pip has gotten bigger and I see a little beak movement inside. So fingers are crossed.
  11. Laurie39

    Yolk coming out of the pip...

    I have an egg that pipped overnight last night but I noticed yolk coming out of the pip. What does this mean?
  12. Laurie39

    Post your Chick Pictures Here!!!

    Dopey chilling with my son. He thinks he's a parrot lol <3
  13. Laurie39

    I really could use some sound advice....

    Alright my friends, I'm back looking for advice. I just had a chick who pipped and did not zip for 34 hours, so I went in and began to help it. He's doing fine BUT he has a gimp leg. It was caught up in the membrane and now he's dragging it behind him. He was due to hatch on Saturday so I kinda...
  14. Laurie39

    I really could use some sound advice....

    Can anyone say "adorable" <3
  15. Laurie39

    Does feather sexing work? Any guesses?

    Can anyone tell me the sex? This is a 2 week old Arracauna.
  16. Laurie39

    I really could use some sound advice....

    Here's a pic of my 2 week old Buddy chick's wing. Can anyone tell?
  17. Laurie39

    I really could use some sound advice....

    Alright, gander007 & twocrows, now that I have this little buggers, how do I sex them? Lol
  18. Laurie39

    Using wing feathers to sex chicks

    Yes I have & thank you!! :-)
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