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    Any one know the laws for chickens in Port Charlotte, FL (Charlotte County)

    Hi, we live in Port Charlotte and had the same problem. After several visits from the zoning department I did some research and found that Animal Control considers a chicken a domestic animal. When they came back the last time I told them that and that I will eat my chickens when they eat...

    Any one know the laws for chickens in Port Charlotte, FL (Charlotte County)

    Hi. We live in Port Charlotte and have had zoning come by our house a few times telling us we can't have our chickens. After doing some research and looking at the county ordnances I found that Animal Control considers a chicken a domestic animal. The last time zoning came by the guy had a...


    I use DE and it helps but I think I still have a few mites. Our girls are 2 years old and have been using DE all their lives.

    Pine shavings for brooder and coop

    We live in Florida and get most of our chicken supplies from Tractor Supply and they usually have pine shavings for $5.00 a bag and it takes us a couple of months to go through a bag.

    Charlotte County Florida ordinances

    They haven't cited me yet. The only thing I have received is a letter that says chickens are allowed in AG but not in RES but no ordinance is listed.

    Charlotte County Florida ordinances

    Thank you. I haven't been able to find anything either. I have called and just get the run around. I keep seeing on here where people are saying they have been cited by the county but they don't have an ordinance to back it up. The only thing I have been able to find out about chickens in the...

    Charlotte County Florida ordinances

    Can someone please show me the county ordinance that says chickens aren't allowed in a residential area. I need the ordinance number please.

    Charlotte County Florida ordinances

    Can anybody show me where chickens aren't allowed in a residential area. The only thing it says is they are allowed in an agricultural area but nothing about residential. Charlotte County Animal Control says chickens are considered domestic animals. Also has anyone received an actual citation...

    Charlotte County Florida ordinances

    Very nice. Ours our quiet also. When I change their water I let ours out with me and they follow me around the yard.

    Charlotte County Florida ordinances

    1 hope everything goes well with your tests. I just wish it was somehow possible to get all the chicken owners together and have a meeting.

    The cost of building coop??

    Very nice. We put pine shavings in the coop and egg boxes and we get that at Tractor Supply for $5.00 a bag. I saw somewhere about putting kitty litter in the coop and we are thinking about building a box under where they roost at night and putting kitty litter in that.

    The cost of building coop??

    My son and I built our chicken house from a plan we found on Purina's website. My son wanted their run to be an octagon shape. We bought all the wood and paint at Home Depot and the wire around the run. We have about $500.00.

    Charlotte County Florida ordinances

    I would say if you couldn't find anything than the county is just trying to scare you.

    Charlotte County Florida ordinances

    The county is just trying to use scare tactics. If you're chickens are inside how would they even know you have them without a search warrant or entering your private property uninvited. Search for Charlotte County Code Inforcement and on their website you can search your address to see what...

    Charlotte County Florida ordinances

    We have had 2 anonymous complaints so far. Both times that we received them we were given a warning and said we had 10 days to get rid of them. After the 1st complaint I went to the zoning office and talked to the county attorney and about all he could say was that chickens are allowed in AG but...

    Charlotte County Florida ordinances

    The problem here is there is an ordinance that says chickens are allowed in agriculture areas but there isn't anything that says they aren't allowed in residential areas, also our animal control says that chickens are considered domestic animals just like dogs and cats. Anytime it's been brought...

    Charlotte County Florida ordinances

    My biggest argument with the county is that Animal Control says chickens are considered domestic animals and zoning says they aren't allowed but can't show me the ordinance that says they aren't allowed. If I have to get rid of our chickens than I feel everyone with dogs and cats need to get rid...

    Charlotte County Florida ordinances

    The only thing I can figure is the county is trying to scare people with chickens by going out and telling them that they are in violation but then not issuing a citation. Zoning says 1 thing. Animal Control says something else and the county commissioners won't talk about it. Nothing in the...

    Charlotte County Florida ordinances

    Just an update on my situation with our chickens. The county came by again and gave me a warning for our chickens. When I told him that I had spoke with the county attorney he seemed somewhat surprised and he wrote it down. I also asked him why Charlotte County Animal Control says chickens are...

    Charlotte County Florida ordinances

    Hi Charlotte County. I also live in Charlotte County and was given a warning about our chickens, it was an annonimos complaint. I spoke with the county attorney and he said chickens are allowed in an agricultural area but nowhere in the ordinance does it say they aren't allowed in a residential...
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