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  1. ranger4327

    Bloody Eggs

    no, they are almost a year old and have been laying for a while now.....
  2. ranger4327

    Bloody Eggs

    I have recently had my hens laying eggs with blood on the outside of the egg. Its been happening now for a few weeks. Any thoughts? thanks
  3. ranger4327

    Mixing birds

    Was looking for some advice/help. I have 6 hens (golden comets) approx 1 year old. I have the opportunity to obtain 4 bantams (1 roo, 3 hens) approx 9 months old. Was wondering if they would be able to coexist if i introduced them together. I can imagine it would be quite a shock for both...
  4. ranger4327

    What is the benefit of a raised coop

    i have a raised coop, approximately 30 inches off the ground. it is approximately 6 x 6 feet, small, but keeps my 6-8 birds comfortable. i cannot get inside it, it is accessed thru a large door on one of its sides. it has a smaller door inside the run for the birds to enter and exit. the only...
  5. ranger4327

    Hen Problems

    I had 8 Golden Comet (red sex link) hens for about a year now, never had a problem, great layers, great birds. Each of the last two days i found a dead hen face down outside, with a nasty bloodied looking vent hole. There were some blood covered eggs, but not sure if that was associated or not...
  6. ranger4327

    Hen problem

    oh they are golden comet hens, and have been great thus far. no change in diet recently
  7. ranger4327

    Hen problem

    Lost two hens the last two days and looks like i am losing another. On two consecutive days, i found a dead hen with a bloodied vent. Did not look good. Now today i see an alive hen with a bloody vent that is being attacked on by others. Not sure whats going on, but it appears at least one of...
  8. ranger4327


    can i mix different breeds together? i would like to try some bantams. now i have 8 hens, they are red sex links. someone recommended them to me for the cold weather climate we have and they have not dissapointed. since they started laying, they each lay an egg a day, give or take. i did...
  9. ranger4327


    any takers on a free rooster? he is a red sex link. he has been mostly non agressive to me, but recently started to think he's a tuff guy. my lil daughter is scared of him. I am between houlton and millinocket !!! UPDATE: Rudy the roo is now in a better place !!!
  10. ranger4327

    I had to do it though I hated it.

    My roosters days are numbered as well. He has been agressive to my wife and lil girl, now recently to me. I cant turn my back on him and he makes me a lil nervous. I know a rooster is not needed for production of eggs, but do they have any influence on egg laying at all, besides fertilization...
  11. ranger4327


    cold up here in the northern part of the state. my coop isnt insulated either. i do have a heat lamp in there for them. i bought a water heater-er but havent hooked it up yet. for now, i just go out twice a day and exhange frozen water-ers. next warm day i am hooking up the heater tho. did...
  12. ranger4327


    how much ventilation is needed (suggested) in the coldest of winter. With temps below zero for possible extended times, is it best to just to "button it up" good. i have a new coop, uninsulated, and will have a light for winter. I dont have much for ventilation now, should i wait till spring...
  13. ranger4327

    My first coop......

    this was the coop i finished a few weeks ago....... am very happy with it so far. i have 8 hens and 1 rooster. they are 14 weeks old and we just got our first eggs two days ago. the breed description says they will lay at 22 weeks. is this normal that they are "early" ? i have red star sex...
  14. ranger4327

    When do I put my girls on layer feed?

    helloo... need some info.... can someone explain to me the different feeds available and at what stage? if i understand correctly... there is starter, grower, then layer feed ? my girls are approx 8 weeks old now, when do i switch to grower ? i actually bought some and tried giving it to...
  15. ranger4327

    rudy the rooster....

    i have two week old chics....i have red star, golden comets, cinamon queens (all the same i am told)......... my rooster is much smaller than the hens.... is this common, is this right? this is our first go at chickens, and it seems the rooster is much smaller than the hens...... how do we...
  16. ranger4327

    Received my box of dying chicks today!!

    Received my reshipment today and was a little bit pessimistic....BUT, when i got the call and went to the post office, the box was loud with peeps and seemed to be very active then the last shipment. I drove back 20 miles, made last preps on the brooder, adjust lamp, fill waterer, and Opened...
  17. ranger4327

    Received my box of dying chicks today!!

    i lost my last chick last nite! as i posted earlier.....4 out of the nine i got in the mail were still alive (barely), and now 3 days later they have all died. my reshipment is May 11. if this happens again, i will NEVER purchase thru the mail again. it is not a good experience as a first time...
  18. ranger4327

    need help on how many nesting boxes to make?

    what dimensions are recommended for the individual nest boxes ?
  19. ranger4327

    Received my box of dying chicks today!!

    i am down to 2 left..... i hope they make it thru the nite !!!!!!!!! not liking the mail order thing........
  20. ranger4327

    chicken door and nest boxes ?

    i am framing up my coop as we speak (or as i type)..... what dimensions should i use for the "chicken door" and for the nest boxes ? i plan on using a hinged door for the chickens to come and go..... i will have 2-3 nest boxes, built onto the "outside" of the coop, so i can harvest eggs from...
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