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  1. JustHenny

    Comment by 'JustHenny' in article 'Things I wish I knew before I got my first chick'

    Such a good article. The gross chicken stuff can be really bad! One time I had an egg bound hen and had to go buy K-Y and hemorrhoid cream. Oh the look the cashier gave me!!!!
  2. JustHenny

    Shhhh I have chickens. But what do I have?!

    This is such good news!!!
  3. JustHenny

    Shhhh I have chickens. But what do I have?!

    Well long story short I have chickens and I shouldn’t. But the universe wanted me to have them! Who am I to argue? They were “older chicks” that a farm store was getting rid of. Straight run. Mixed breed bin. That was about a month and a half ago. I was told they were two barred rock pullets, a...
  4. JustHenny

    The 6th Annual BYC Easter Hatch-a-long!

    Just it's little pin feathers coming in. Can look horrible on some breeds and just fine on others. Keep an eye on it's behavior, that would be the best indicator.
  5. JustHenny

    BYC Guinea hen club

    Just out of curiosity how much would a dozen go for? I would love to get my male another girlfriend and a friend of mine wants some. My male seems like the sister wife type. So far this year my one lady hasnt been laying. Too early in Illinois? I don't know.
  6. JustHenny

    Opinions on best egg layers

    Poor babies! Hope they are all better.
  7. JustHenny

    How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

    Well I'm sure there were some, but I didn't feel like facing down my broody today. Been trying to break her because i have, ahem, plenty of chicks right now. She's still trying though.
  8. JustHenny

    Illinois traders!!!!

    Hi neighbor. I tried to message you but it wouldn't go through for some reason. Any chance I could buy a couple Appleyard eggs? We don't have the digs set up for ducks yet, so I would feel bad about taking the adults. Wish I could! My duck eggs from the hatch-a-long were from a friend who told...
  9. JustHenny

    The 6th Annual BYC Easter Hatch-a-long!

    Ok, three of nine chick eggs. Two were early quitters, two were mid quitters. My ducks haven't done anything, but last I checked (two days ago) had movement in three, and looked good in another three. I want my baby duckies! I really hope at least a couple hatch. When I set them I didn't know...
  10. JustHenny

    BYC Guinea hen club

    The guineas could really go after the more decorative chickens too. So tempting.
  11. JustHenny

    BYC Guinea hen club

    My male guinea is a ****. He pecks everyone on the head. Even my big roo! They all run from him. But that is all he really does. He is VERY protective of his girlfriend. Some may be better or worse, just like roosters. Put them together when they are about the same size, and let them grow up...
  12. JustHenny

    The 6th Annual BYC Easter Hatch-a-long!

    Good luck guys! Check for rat poop. I had a problem last year with a rat messing up a nest box. Good thing I have a little dog that loves to "hunt" and doesn't give a cluck about the chickens! He went in and rooted out the problem for me without distressing the girls much.
  13. JustHenny

    The 6th Annual BYC Easter Hatch-a-long!

    Sorry! Out of town for a funeral. Set 21 Indian runner duck eggs (which probably won't hatch because of the storage temp before I picked them up) and 9 barnyard mix eggs.
  14. JustHenny

    The 6th Annual BYC Easter Hatch-a-long!

    She is so pretty! I "accidentally" come home with chickens...a lot.
  15. JustHenny


  16. JustHenny

    Illinois traders!!!!

    Ill keep in touch as travel dates get closer!! I lost two girls this week to a predator. Fixed the hole in the barn (which was so small!) and hoping the girls settle down to laying and being more comfortable. First time this has happened! I guess I was lucky before. Rip Dot and John Deere...
  17. JustHenny

    How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

    3/8/9 lost two girls to a 'possum this week. My other ladies are off their game. My two olive eggers too. My sweet girls. Found the hole in the barn and fixed it so fingers crossed. Had to explain to my daughter about "mother nature's tax".
  18. JustHenny

    *Buff Orpington Thread!*

    Hello beautiful!
  19. JustHenny

    The 6th Annual BYC Easter Hatch-a-long!

    help! Indian runners in the incubator and it dropped to 90 degrees and 40% humidity. Will they be okay? I don't know how long it was like that because I had a long work day today. Gone 12 hours.
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