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  1. shadow82399

    Open vent?

    Update: she made it 24 hours... She has not eaten much, and I do not see any solid poop. But she looks better today. Time will tell...
  2. shadow82399

    Missing back feathers, is this a molt?

    I once had a rooster that caused this... He just mounted the hens over and over and it wore their feathers off. Poor girls!
  3. shadow82399

    Seeking hatching eggs locally

    I am looking for hatching eggs in the Binghamton, NY area. I would like to hatch about 12-15 in my science classroom. I have a brooder at home and coop with plenty of room to bring the birds home to.
  4. shadow82399

    Open vent?

    I did leave her water, grit, and food in her crate. She has spent most of her time just sleeping though, with occasional movement around the crate.
  5. shadow82399

    Open vent?

    I have not observed her eating or drinking yet, but I brought her in at twilight so normally she would not be eating again until morning. No poop yet.
  6. shadow82399

    Open vent?

    She is safely secured in the house, so warm, in her own little private "hospital" (crate). She is housed in the same room as my brooder full of chicks, but across the room (about 14 feet away). This is the best picture I could get.
  7. shadow82399

    Open vent?

    I found my hen (she had escaped her run) tonight sitting in the cold snow with a bloody gaping vent. She also was bleeding near her nostril on one side. We did have a blood covered egg recently, but I have not seen any blood in the coop or run. I'm *guessing* that she had a hard time laying an...
  8. Damaged vent

    Damaged vent

    Gaping vent on sex linked
  9. shadow82399

    Killer Weasels/Mink

    I have been battling an unknown predator since late summer. My coop is over 2 feet of the ground and completely sealed. The fencing for the run around the coop is buried into the ground several inches and I piled logs and rocks around the entire run to deter anything from trying to dig around...
  10. shadow82399

    Lavender Orpington project ....

    What is the best way to tell the difference between the male and female lavenders? I was given 5 chicks in late April, one has been crowing, one looks very much like a hen, but the other three look somewhere in the middle!
  11. shadow82399

    Post your FIRST EGG pics!

    I even witnessed the laying! 7/16/14!
  12. shadow82399

    Teaching my kids self-sufficiency (kind of)

    What are 4-h and FFA? Not sure what breed of chicken we have yet- they were just sexed pullets of mixed breeds. Their feathers came in bright white, hopefully I can get pictures up soon and someone can help!
  13. shadow82399

    Teaching my kids self-sufficiency (kind of)

    Hi there! I am new to raising chicks, I was brought up in small cities (my parents were raised the same way) and had to do A LOT of research to get started! Our family now lives in a fairly rural area and I am trying to teach my 3 children how to be somewhat self-sufficient and appreciate the...
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