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  1. AliceSaurus

    My 3 chickens ate an egg together, what to do?

    Today is filled with mixed emotions for me. I found a perfect little egg in the coop (right next to the nest boxes, working on that...) and thought it was my first from the 3 chickens I raised since April. My happiness turned to horror when I saw all of them sharing in eating a shell-less egg...
  2. AliceSaurus

    11wk Buff Orpington sickle feathers?

    Question for buff orpington owners: This is my 11 week old "girl" going through her second juvenile molt and the tail feathers are making me think she may be a rooster. Her comb and wattles are a bit bigger and redder than the other's but not enough to be a giveaway. The hackles don't look...
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