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  1. 85yroldGrampyRa


    Hi, If only it had been 'warmer' when we headed south, it was only to central Ohio where our daughter lives. Fortunately she has 3 strong teen aged boys who hauled in wood for the stove and cleared the walks & driveway. We gained some weight that we are now trying to lose!
  2. 85yroldGrampyRa

    ღ*♥*ღ*♥*ღ*♥ *Peep peep peep's Chat Thread ღ*♥*ღ*♥*ღ*♥*ღ

    We have a nice coop, don't need additions as have only 10 chicks. Snow outside here in Wisconsin, waiting for it to melt & get warmer. Hi to you all.
  3. 85yroldGrampyRa


    Last year we raised 18 little chicks to adult hens that ended up laying 17 eggs a day most days. We couldn't stay in Wisconsin for the icy winter so gave our girls to two families. Now that we are back home we have 10 baby chicks (3 days old) that we hope to raise to be as good as last years...
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