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  1. kevinmccal

    anyone ever put chicks under a broody hen?

    I just tried to introduce some day old chicks to my hen that has been sitting for 19 days. Her eggs are due to hatch any day now. I removed her eggs and put them in an incubator for the final day or so. I did it at night, and tried to replace with chicks. Unfortunately, she killed 2 of the...
  2. kevinmccal

    Do you keep the dominant rooster or the submissive rooster?

    I currently have 19 chickens, 5 of which are roosters, 3 of which are mature. All three of the mature rooters crow. I have so many roosters simply because I do hatch eggs and grow my flock. I only wish to have 2 or 3 max. There is a definite pecking order and they get along just fine...
  3. kevinmccal

    Comment by 'kevinmccal' in article 'The Tree House'

    I love this idea. It looks like from the date of the first comment you've had this over a year now. How was your first Winter? Do you have electricity for heat and to keep the water from freezing?
  4. kevinmccal

    Comment by 'kevinmccal' in article 'The Tree House'

    I love this idea. Great job!
  5. kevinmccal

    post your chicken coop pictures here!

    I appreciate all of the ideas and suggestions that are in this forum! This is my first year raising backyard chickens and I sometimes spend hours looking at this site. There is a specific question I have. A friend of mine built my coop and run based on a description I gave him. I just did a...
  6. kevinmccal

    why do chickens cluck loudly when they are laying an egg?

    My observation is that free ranging chickens tend to leave the nest and THEN start the loud announcement after they are some distance away from the eggs. It's my theory that, like rabbits that have their babies and then leave the nest so as not to attract predators, and return only to feed...
  7. kevinmccal

    At what age should chickens start laying eggs?

    Hello! I finally found an automatic waterer at Tractor Supply that does the job but the water gets dirty so frequently and I have to turn it over a couple times per day to drain and let it refill. I'd love some...
  8. kevinmccal

    post your chicken coop pictures here!

    In the process of building a coop and run.
  9. kevinmccal

    More Ventalation ?

    I'd recommend the "reflective technology" insulation. I use it and it makes a WORLD of difference. It is better than the fiberglass insulation and it is basically bubble wrap with aluminum on both sides. That's the easiest way to describe it. It's like the stuff NASA uses on satellites and...
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