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  1. rejoicing

    baby chix with hard fecses on its rear

    ew-pasty butts. You have to wash it off with a warm wet washcloth, or even a little bit of oil. If you don't they can die Maybe a more experienced person can tell you more
  2. rejoicing

    Poor TSC Babies Chambersburg, PA

    Our TSC was so overcrowded, and the heat lamps weren't warm enough for them...they were all over each other, and there were so many who couldn't stand up. They were filthy, their tubs REAKED! and all the little grey banties' legs were splaying out all over the place. We counted at least 8-9 of...
  3. rejoicing

    Got some new babies !!

    YAY! Can't wait to see pics!
  4. rejoicing

    Barred Rock & Buff Orpington

    I started by letting them cup their hands on their laps, then I placed the peep into it. My Older son (10) can handle them no problem, but I still have to really supervise my 6yo. I taught them to pick up by scooping, so they wouldn't get squeezed! Your 4 yo might be able to do this, but the...
  5. rejoicing

    Pine sawdust/shavings

    I know everyone says pine shavings are OK, but what about the real fine pine shavings--almost like sawdust (but not dusty if that makes sense) I did have paper towels over it, but they kept shredding them, so now they are on the shavings. I don't want to hurt them? eta:they are about 3-4 wks old.
  6. rejoicing

    BO Headgear

    Mine does, too.....and she is supposed to be a she....lets KFX!
  7. rejoicing

    How old and What kind (PICS)

    We got our new babies at Southern States and we do not know how old they are. They are pretty feathered in thier wings and trying to flap/fly a bit. Most have tail feathers now, too. These pics are from a few days ago. The yellow is a BO But the others are supposed to be Araucana's, can anyone...
  8. rejoicing

    New Chick owner needs some advice

    Thanks everyone!!! Thanks for the poo links--apparently they are OK! I am so glad there are pics like that out there for us nooB's! We had them on pine shavings, but they were eating quite a bit of them, so now they are on paper towels over them. ETA: oh and they were the fine sawdust kind...
  9. rejoicing

    New Chick owner needs some advice

    Hi, we just got our first chicks last week. 1 BO and 5 "Araucanas" hich I think are really EE? I have been researching all the adviece on here about peeps, but I still have a few questions. After hearing mixed reviews about pine shavings I decided to hold off on using it....anyone have any...
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