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  1. Oceanbaby

    Beautiful Ameracauna Rooster - Bay Area

    Hi - We are all very sad to realize that our most beautiful chicken is a rooster. He is about 6 months old, and just started crowing. We live in the suburbs of Marin County and are not allowed to have a rooster. This particular chicken was raised by one of our other hens since he was 2 days...
  2. Oceanbaby

    Giving broody hen newborn chicks - need help!

    Thank you so much for your reply! I think what I'm most nervous about (other than her accepting them, of course) is getting them moved. I'm just not sure how to do it! Just grab her while she's pecking me like crazy, and then the chicks back under her? I'm nervous she'll start pecking at...
  3. Oceanbaby

    Giving broody hen newborn chicks - need help!

    We are novice, suburban chicken owners. We have 3 hens who we raised from chicks. They are about 3.5yo, and one of them has gone broody 3 or 4 times. Each time we've been able to break her of it within a week. This time it's been more than 3 weeks, and she is still in there. About two...
  4. Oceanbaby

    Any way to keep them quiet until later in the morning?

    Our neighbors know we have chickens and have been cool about it, but if they start getting woken up at 6am on a Sunday I don't think they're going to be too happy. They are noisy in the coop even if we don't let them out. I could try the sprinkler - would darkening the coop help?
  5. Oceanbaby

    Any way to keep them quiet until later in the morning?

    My main concern is the neighbors. We don't enjoy being woken up at 6am on a Sunday morning, but I can deal with it. What I really want to avoid is one of my neighbors getting upset.
  6. Oceanbaby

    Any way to keep them quiet until later in the morning?

    We live in the suburbs, and have 3 hens. Since late spring, our hens have been squawking by 6am to be let out of their coop. It's irritating us, as it's waking us all up early, but I'm really concerned that my neighbors are going to start to complain. Unfortunately, it's not only letting them...
  7. Oceanbaby

    No neck feathers, not laying?

    We have three pullets - a cuckoo maran, an ameracauna, and a speckeled sussex. We got all three of them together as chicks this March. There have been no noticeable signs of serious disputes, but the sussex is definitely the lowest on the pecking order. I noticed the past week that she is...
  8. Oceanbaby

    Rain and cold next week - what do I need to do?

    We live in the Bay Area of Northern California, so we are used to pretty mild weather. We only have 3 hens. During the last big rain the inside of their coop was getting wet because the rain was blowing sideways, and my husband and I were out there trying to cover it with a tarp which kept...
  9. Oceanbaby

    Help! Laying in random places and eating their eggs!

    Quote: I guess this is what we will have to do. The coop itself is probably plenty big enough, I just feel bad leaving them in there. Should I leave all three in there and let them out one at at time as they lay, or let them in and out as a group only after they have all laid for the day?
  10. Oceanbaby

    Help! Laying in random places and eating their eggs!

    We are in the suburbs, and we have three chickens. They have been laying for about 3-4 months. One of them was laying in the nesting boxes from the beginning, and the other two were laying underneath the coop (which is part of the run). This was irritating, as we had to reach way way way...
  11. Oceanbaby

    New here - we have a lot of questions about coop and run design.

    We are first time chicken owners, and dh decided to build the coop himself, without plans. It's pretty much done, but I have a few questions: The floor is just regular wood, but he designed it so that the whole bottom pulls out like a big drawer for cleaning. Should we line this with vinyl...
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