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  1. mama niki

    Silkie Contest!!!!

    How can you tell the sex so early?
  2. mama niki

    silkie sexing

    Is this Blue looking like a roo? It's 5 weeks old here. I'm guessing roo but I'm new to chickens all together so idk. Love to hear everyone's opinion!
  3. mama niki

    silkie sexing

    5 weeks old... Hen or Roo? I know probably too early but I love opinions!
  4. mama niki

    silkie sexing

    What am I??
  5. mama niki

    Silkie Cross Thread!! PICS!!

    Not a great pic but roo or hen? Whatcha think?
  6. mama niki

    Silkie Contest!!!!

    Prince Charming saying hello!
  7. mama niki

    Silkie Contest!!!!

    Snow and Charming...1 year old Silkies
  8. mama niki


    Their very pretty otherwise, but feet are terrible! They are very skittish and def not been handled much! I did soak their feet and very gently scrubbed em a bit, then dried and rubbed Sudocrem all over them, sprinkled DE over that yesterday...
  9. mama niki


    I'm very new at raising chickens ...just picked up a pair of Silkies the other day and just noticed their feet on the way home. The man said their a year old. Is this a very bad case of scaly leg or are they old chickens? If so what can I do to help them??
  10. mama niki

    Cutest Young Chickens Contest!!!

    Hawk our 4 month old EE pullet
  11. mama niki

    Cutest Young Chickens Contest!!!

    Anna & Elsa 4 month old Gold Laced Wyandotte pullets
  12. mama niki

    Cutest Young Chickens Contest!!!

    Our 1st babies... Golden Comet (Garlic), Barred Rock (Pepper), RIR (Cinnamon)
  13. mama niki

    post your chicken coop pictures here!

    Our 1st chicken coop! Modified doghouse!
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